Sequel; Chapter 3

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Happy Thanksgiving my dudes, I hope you enjoy your time with your families

Jungkook stood up from his seat, going over to the door and opening it to let Taehyung's boss in. "I'm sure you heard everything, but Taehyung is coming with us and is quitting his job here." Jungkook said to Mr. June. "I'm sure he told you about the contract, so he cannot leave." Mr. June explained.

"He can, we'll pay the fee's when the contract is officially broken." Jungkook said. Jeongguk had grabbed Taehyung's hand. Mr. June did not look happy. "I apologize, but Taehyung told you a lie." Mr. June said, and smirked. The twins looked at Taehyung before turning their attention to Mr. June once again. "Care to elaborate?" Jeongguk asks.

Mr. June nods. "In the contract, it states that if the contract is to be broken by the person who signs, the company owner gets to decide what will happen to the employee who has signed the contract. So I can decide what I want to do to him if he breaks the contract, and by law no one can do anything about it once the CEO has decided, and I can decide if I want him to pay, if I want to keep him..make him my pet." Mr. June smirks, looking at Taehyung. "Or kill him."

Taehyung's eyes were wide by the time Mr. June finished. "We'll just have to change that law then." Jungkook says. "You can—" "You lied to me!" Taehyung shouted. "In the contract I read it said I'd have to pay a fee of $7,297, not whatever you just said!" Taehyung yelled, Jeongguk gripped Taehyung's hand to calm him down.

"Yes, perhaps that's what you read. I changed the contract that you signed, because if you read what I said you wouldn't of signed and I couldn't just let a beauty like you go." Mr. June said. Taehyung gasped in disgust. "You're sick—" "We'll change that law, and make sure that you're punished. You do realize that we passed a new law, stating that you cannot trick an employee and alter a contract after they've signed right?" Jungkook says. "I'm sure you don't want to go against the Jeon company, hum? That one that took over the government and has many allies that will come for you with a snap of my fingers." Jungkook says.

Mr. June clenched his fists. "I suppose I can't." He says, "But it gives you no right to waltz in here and take something that's mine."

"He's not yours, you do not own him." Jeongguk says in a calm voice. "And we'll be taking him now. So please excuse us and we apologize for any inconvenience." Jeongguk says, Jungkook pushes past Mr. June, and Jeongguk follows Jungkook while holding Taehyung's hand.

Mr. June growled and let them go, he was beyond pissed but he wasn't going to give up that quickly. Even if he had to take Taehyung by force, he would.

 Even if he had to take Taehyung by force, he would

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