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taehyung was sat on the bed, the chain back on his ankle. he sighed, but jungkook  said it was because he still doesn't trust taehyung . he was scared that taehyung would run away while they were asleep. but, taehyung was uncomfortable. he couldn't sleep with the chain on his ankle, so he didn't sleep.

he was tired, yeah, but he was also paranoid, scared. scared that one of the twins might do something to him, and he doesn't want that. he just wants to live a peaceful life, run away from all his troubles, but that was impossible. for taehyung that was.

he signed for the nth time that night, murmuring words to himself to keep him awake. taehyung closed his eyes, almost giving in to the sleep that was about to consume him, but he heard the door open and he looked up quickly, to see jeongguk.

"why aren't you asleep?" jeongguk asks, walking over to taehyung. taehyung shrugs, not wanting to speak with him, after what happened. a red mark still on his cheek.  "i'm sorry, but you deserved it. for pushing me away." jeongguk said, and laid a hand on taehyung's thigh. taehyung shivered. jeongguk was mentally unstable, and jungkook knew.

taehyung nodded slowly, not wanting to argue with jeongguk, in fear of being hit again. jeongguk grabbed taehyung's cheeks and squished them together rather harshly. "answer me when i talk to you." jeongguk spoke in a harsh tone.

"y-yes." taehyung stuttered, terrified. jeongguk let taehyung go and grinned. "good, now go to sleep and be a good boy." jeongguk then left. taehyung never did got to sleep that night. he just keep thinking about what jeongguk said.

"keep acting this way and i'll be sure to paralyze you and do what i please with your itty bitty body." jeongguk laughed and got up and left.

of course taehyung would push jeongguk away, it was his first kiss, and it was taken by a psycho. he wanted his first kiss to be special. not some psycho stealing it and ruining the mood.

taehyung sighed, he just wanted this to end. but little did he know, this was just the very beginning.

taehyung woke up the next day, after getting at least an hour and thirty-four minutes of sleep. he checked the time, it read twelve thirteen pm. neither of the twins decided to check on him. maybe they went out. taehyung had no clue where they were and he was glad that neither of them came into the room yet.

he yawned, standing up from the bed. taehyung went to the closet, which had his clothes, and some girls clothes that he doesn't know who they are from. just his luck he had to share a closet with a woman. taehyung grabbed a pair of shorts and a comfortable t-shirt. he put the clothes on the bed.

he grinned mischievously to himself and walked over to the desk that was in the middle-ish of the room. he opened the bottom right drawer, and then grabbed a key. hoping it was for the chain around his ankle. he pushed the key in the hole of the chain, and internally cheered when he heard it click and the weight on his ankle gone.

he put the key down on the desk, and grabbed the clothes. he would try to run away, if he knew the place better and if they're weren't so many guards around. apparently all of the guards leave around two forty-seven am. so that's when he'll try to run away.

taehyung went to the bedroom bathroom, and closed the door. of course the door didn't have a lock on it. he sighed and started the shower. thank god he was showering after not being able to shower for three days. yes, taehyung has been with jeongguk and jungkook for three days. four if he counts this one.

taehyung strips out of the dirty clothes he's in, and gets in the shower once it's the right temperature. he does everything he needs to, to be clean. it takes him about thirty minutes to scrub all of the dirt and disgusting jeonggukness off. he hums once he's satisfied and gets out of the shower.

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