Chapter Three

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This week has been a long one it's the longest me and Cass havent spoke and I miss her like crazy but I'm not gonna push her I no I fucked up I'm just glad works been busier than normal to keep me occupied. Its friday, I was suppose to hook up with some woman I met a few weeks back at a bar but I blew her off I've decided a night indoors with a few cans will be sufficient enough. I head home take a shower and sit in the living room watching some comedy show with a can Nial's at Leigh's house so I'm taking advantage of the peace.

A few hours later theres a knock on my door. Its Cass.
"I've missed you!" She says as she throws her arms around my neck. I pull her in and enhale her sweet scent a thousand words running through my mind on what to say back but i settle for
"Ditto Cass, ditto" we head to my black L shaped sofa and I pass Cass a can she accepts and instantly takes a swig.
"I'm sorry Ry, It just brought it all back seeing her. I see red I mean she walks around as though nothing happened but I lost 2 of the most important people in my life because of her" I can see the pain etched across her face as she speaks
"No Cass I'm sorry I didnt think, I was an idiot" I replied. I felt so ashamed that I let that evil woman in my apartment and tag along to the club knowing what she had put Cass thru, if only I could go back to that night and do it differently i sigh to myself.
"Look let's forget it, that bitch took enough from me she ain't taking you too I love you to much to let her destroy what we have" Cassie says with a small smile across her face.
"Dont let Mac hear you saying that to me" I wink trying to lighten the mood she laughs and throws a pillow at me.
"So only 2 more months until you become Mrs Mac Valentino, excited?" I ask. Cassie gives me a half hearted smile and my eyes widen I wasnt expecting that.
"Cass?" I ask softly.
"I dunno Ry, I mean we are so different. He doesn't even seem to understand why I laid in bed ignoring the world all week after seeing her how can I marry a man who just doesn't get me or understand me you know?" She replies her voice sounding so defeated. Actually she looks quite defeated what's going on I thought she was happy surely there's more to this?
"Cass what's going on, talk to me" I say moving closer to her.
"Its nothing forget it probably nerves" she laughs it off and gets up. Its late I feel uneasy letting her leave at this time alone.
"Cass it's late, I've been drinking is Mac coming to get you?" I ask she shakes her head.
"Stay?" I ask.
"I'll send Mac a text to let him no" she smiles as she heads for the shower. She normally would have put up a fight normally wants to be home with Mac I mean she could have called a cab she normally does if Mac doesn't come and pick her up and I've had a drink.

She dries off and puts one of my tops on and climbs into bed beside me
"Damn girl" I laugh eyeing her up, she just gives my arm a light wack before rolling her eyes she has no idea I meant it my cock literally stood up at the sight of her fucking hell this is gonna be hard, the love of my life laying beside me in nothing but my shirt and a pair of laced thongs on with her chocolate brown hair tied in a messy look showing her beautiful face, what I wouldnt give to be able to kiss her all over and make love to her I bite my lip unknowingly.
"Ryan?" Cassie says pulling me from my thoughts. Shit! I cough
"Sorry Cass I was miles away, you ok?" I ask
"I'm cold, cuddle me?" She so innocently asks.
Damn this is going to be a long painful night, I scoot beside her, putting one arm under her head and the other around her waist and lay my head on the pillow. Truth be told me and Cass havent slept in a bed together since we were kids I mean theres been no need to and she always used to say "I wouldnt like it if I new Mac was in bed with another woman friend or not" so what's changed I wonder maybe shes realised I'm the one for her I roll my eyes at the thought and let out a small sigh I mean wishful thinking or what, its probably seeing Lucia, i mean i was there through it all so maybe she needs someone who shares the pain close.

The sun shining thru the windows that run from ceiling to floor wakes me I look over at Cassie shes out cold not a worry in the world right now, she looks so beautiful I slip out of the bed as quietly as possible in hopes I dont disturb her. I quickly put on some black Nike joggers a plain white tee and my white airforces grab my phone and keys from the night stand and head quietly out the apartment to the coffee shop down the road. As I enter the coffee shop I see Leigh behind the counter. Strange I didnt think she was working today Nial was with her last night.
"Didnt no you was working today Leigh" I said
"Neither did I until someone pulled a sicky so here I am" she huffs I just chuckle at her and she rolls her eyes.
"2 caramel lattes and 2 warmed up butter croissants please girl" I say giving Leigh my order she takes my money and heads off to make the order. After a few minutes shes back, as she hands me the paper bag containing my order she says with a smirk
"Whose the lucky lady this time then aye"
"Cass stayed figured I'd get her brekkie before she woke" I replie
"Oh hows she doing?" Leigh asks I can see the worry etched across her face
"Think she just needed someone close who understood the pain uno" I say. Leigh nods to acknowledge what I've said and i head back to the apartment. As I enter my room Cassie begins to stir so before she can fall back ro sleep I say "Wakey, wakey sleepyhead" handing her latte and croissant to her. She grunts, Cass has never been a morning person I dont even know how she wakes up 5.30 every morning for work to be honest, she sits up in the bed and finally manages to say
"Eugh what time isit? Thanks for this by the way it's been a while since I've had breakfast in bed" I instantly think whattttt!!!! Why the fuck doesn't Mac bring her breakfast in bed now again does he not realise how special she truly is.
"Its 10am and Mac's slacking" I wink biting into my warm croissant she let's a small laugh out before replying
"What's your plans for today anything fun?"
"Well Leigh was at the coffee shop covering someone who phoned in sick so might see what Nial is up to so I can grab the new fifa what about you?" I say. Cassie raises her eyebrows "fifa? Yeah your be lucky, I'm gonna hit the gym and then go home to Mac and Charlotte we havent seen her much recently"
"Yeah need to work that buttery croissant off aye" I smirk
"Cheeky shit" she laughs and with that she brushes the crumbs off my shirt and heads for the bathroom.
"I'm just gonna get ready I'll have a shower after gym" she says I nod and she closes the door behind her so I grab the chance to call Nial quick
"Alright mate doing much today?" I ask as he answers the phone
"Na Leigh got called into work what you saying?" He asks
"Yh I see her in the coffee shop this morning, thinking lunch and mall wanna grab fifa if I can" I respond
"Good luck with that one I'll meet you there for 1 yeah" he says
"Sweet see you soon" I say before hanging up.
Cass comes out the bathroom in her gym wear damm shes wearing a pair off leggings, trainers and a sports bra with her hair in a messy kind of bun the woman looks amazing regardless of what shes wearing.
"I'm going to meet Nial, you want a lift to the gym?" I ask
"Yeah, thanks how long you gonna be?" She asks
"Just gonna jump in the shower give me 5minutes" I say heading towards the bathroom.

We head out of the apartment and into my classic car,
"You need to start driving girl" I say to Cass
"I've got my test soon actually just not sharing the date with anyone bad luck and all that" she says
"Your smash it!" I exclaim
Weve reached the gym, cass gets out the car and rests on the window and says
"Thanks for last night I appreciate it, I'll see you soon love ya" and begins walking towards the gym I shout back
"No worries Cass love ya" and with that I drive off. She seems a little brighter today than she did last night so I'm pleased, I cant stand seeing her unhappy.

In BK hurry up or I'll eat your food aswell.

Sweet 5mins

I arrive at the parking lot to the mall and find a suitable parking bay and head towards Burger King, I'm happy Nial grabbed the food its packed in here, I see him sitting in a booth so I walk over and slide in opposite him.
"You should have pre ordered fifa mate what was you thinking" Nial says shaking his head
"Ah dont I know" I replie.
After some casual chit chat and finishing off our food we head towards the game store. I head for the ps4 section looking for fifa and quickly realise Cassie and Nial was right wishing me luck buying it because it's not here, I decide to ask one of the staff members wandering around
"Alright fella fifa?" I ask
"You're hopeful mate, out of stock within 5minutes of opening up today" he replies
"Yeah thought as much no worries mate cheers" I say and head towards Nial
"Told ya" he floats
"I'll order it online later" I grunt. We wander around for a bit and I hear my phone ping it's a message from Cass.

Meet me, Mac & Leigh at Bar 4 tonight 7pm ? Bring Nial obvs x

Ok cool, everything ok? X

Yeah I have some news I wanna share and celebrate see u soon x

News she wants to share and celebrate wtf I fill Nial in on the messages and he instantly says
"She's probs pregnant bro"
"Oh of course coz a pregnant woman would wanna share and celebrate the news with us in a bar" I say sarcastically and roll my eyes. The thought never crossed my mind it has now thou I cant lie I think that would crush me. I mean it's one thing seeing the woman you love loving someone else but bringing a baby into the world who she shares with another man I couldnt cope even though I suppose its to be expected. A couple hours have passed and we head back to the apartment to change.

Before we know it its 6:30pm
"Nial you ready?" I shout from the living room, his still in his room.
"Yeah mate coming now" he shouts back. As he approaches the living room I grab my phone, keys and wallet off the coffee table and we head for my car.
"What you reckon the news is then?" Nial asks
"Fuck knows" I replie
"Oh come on she tells you everything" Nial says
"Yeah not this time mate I dont have a clue" I respond. His right though Cassie tells me everything so why dont I no what this big news is maybe she is pregnant I hope not I no that sounds selfish but I just couldnt deal. We arrive at bar 4 and knots are in my stomach right now I've never been so nervous, we head inside the club and see Cassie, Leigh and Mac sitting at some stools propped against the long bar as we reach them Cassie gives me a hug and I greet Mac whilst Nial And Leigh are devoured in each others mouths.
"Let's grab a table" Cass shouts over the music. We all follow.
"Come on baby the suspense is killing me here" Mac says. My mind races what the fuck her fiance doesn't even no!! Shit!!
Cassie smiles and says "Well this morning Ryan dropped me to the gym but I didnt go gym I went somewhere else" ok I'm baffled she went where I basically see her walk in the gym
"What you on about Cass?" I ask
"Well I....... "

Hello Lovelies!!!

😱 What's Cassie's news ? Do you think shes pregnant or is it something else?

Dont forget to vote and share my story if you're enjoying it!!

Any feedback is great I love reading the comments!!

See you all in chapter four 😉 will try to upload this tomorrow night.

Thank you all for reading and voting

Toni xx

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