Chapter Eight

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My head is killing me, the room is spinning, fuck how much did I drink last night I sit on the side of my bed for a minute to steady myself before getting up for the toilet. Fucking hell I'm naked I dont even remember getting indoors let alone stripping off. Then it hits me Cass was suppose to stay here I look over my shoulder and Cassie is laying completely naked with my blanket barely covering her. Shit, shit, shit! We didnt?! Please say we didnt!! I cant remember and I would never want our first time together forgot! Then it hits me the kiss! Shit we kissed fucking passionately aswell!!
"Cass wake up!" I shout
"What Ryan" she replies in a groggy voice
"Shit cass did we have sex?" I ask waiting anxiously for her response. She sits up and wraps the blanket around her perfect body and laughs
"Ry if we had sex babes you'd remember" shit that was a sexy response but why are we naked. As if she could read my thoughts she says
"I was sick all over myself and when I cuddled you it went all over you, we was trollied we came in stripped off and collapsed in bed" she explained
"I see" I laugh in response. Panic over! Time for the toilet. As I head to the toilet Cassie shocks me
"Ry would it be so bad if you slept with me. I mean I didnt hear you complain when we shared that kiss last night" she said. I swallowed hard I was not expecting that. This time I was laughing but not because I found anything funny more through nerves like how do I respond to this. I stop in my tracks and look straight at her with a serious face and replie
"Of course not you're beautiful Cass inside and out I've told you once I'll tell you again Mac is a lucky man" she puts her head down.

Ok we need to talk! I'm done ignoring her reaction every time I mention Mac's name recently.

"I'm going a toilet when I come back we are gonna talk" I say in a stern voice. Cassie knows i ain't playing she puts her hands in her head in response and shakes her head.

I sit on the bed and tuck Cassie's hair behind her ear
"What's going on Cass?" I ask softly.
"Oh Ryan it's all a mess I just dont no what to do anymore I dont even feel like me anymore" Cassie says without a taking a breath shes crying now
"Breathe Cass take your time" I reply.
To say I'm worried is an understatement I need to know what's going on to try and help her. Cass takes a deep breath and starts again
"Its all changed Ry, his horrible awful actually, Mac that is. I'm more like a slave than his partner, I walk around on egg shells"
I cant believe it she proceeds telling me how his nice to her one minute and awful to her the next how sex is just sex not love making anymore, he uses sex to manipulate her saying she wont have sex because she dont love him but then telling her after she still ain't better in bed after years of them being together, how shes cooked dinner and had to bin it coz it takes to long so his ordered take out how she sleeps on the sofa sometimes because he dont wanna be disturbed, sometimes he dont even come home. My mind is mashed right now trying to process all this I cant believe his done this to her. Not my Cass!
"His never hit me thou, am I over reacting? I feel like I'm crazy most of the time like nothing seems rational anymore I just continuously doubt myself, my decisions just everything. Am I crazy Ryan?" She asks and I can hear the defeat in her voice. She's exhausted from battling her own brain day in day out.
"No you ain't over reacting and you sure as hell ain't crazy Cass, just because he hasnt hit you doesn't mean what his doing isnt as damaging and how long before he does? His not your safe haven anymore and he should be his took the fun, outgoing, laid back, bubbly Cassie and picked and picked until your not that person no more. Fuck Cass" I exclaim.
She breaks down crying and crying I just hold her feeling completely helpless, look what his been doing to her I could kill him fucking rat!
"Ryan please just make it stop, I've had enough. What have I done so wrong to deserve this?" She pleads with me for help the desperation in her voice seeps through.
"Dont you fucking dare blame yourself. Cassie his a narcissist and if you dont no what that is research it. You want me to get you through this leave his fucking arse Cass before he kills you. I mean it you're worth a million times more than he can ever give his a fake!" I say to her through gritted teeth. My blood is boiling his destroyed her his destroyed her perception on love and I tell you what karma will get him I ain't gonna waste my time trying to get revenge on him for what his done because his not worth it, Cass needs me more than ever right now and I'll be there every single heartbreaking step along the way.

See I know his a narcissist because the gas lighting, the love bombing, the picking at her personality is all obvious signs of what a narcissist does and I've lived through the pain of losing a close friend because of one. She killed herself! Because she couldnt see any other way out of her toxic relationship she didnt tell me anything and I didnt realise at the time, she left me a letter when it was to late for me to help and it kills me everyday knowing i could have some how saved her and I'll be damned if I lose Cassie to a narcissist too!

Cassie looks exhausted
"Cass go back to sleep you look shattered we will sort this all out later ok. I've got you" I say softly
"I love you Ry" she says and snuggles into my chest
"I love you too Cass" I replie and kiss her forehead softly

I continue stroking Cassie's hair as she drifts off to sleep, her eyes are all puffy and red from the crying I hold her tighter my heart is aching for her because i know it's going to be a long road ahead for her not only has she got to grieve for a man shes loved and lost but she needs to build herself up again for herself. I just lay there thinking about what to do next, I cant let her go home to him knowing what I know I wont let him destroy her anymore not a chance. I'm gonna go with her to get her stuff and shes gonna come here and get thru this, whatever feelings I have for cass I know I have to put them aside and let her grieve for a man she loved I've gotta be her friend and get her thru this and I know she will get thru this when she remembers exactly who she is. I hope she let's me do this for her I hope more than anything she doesn't make this difficult because over my dead body is she going to back to that sorry excuse of a man!

Cass has slept until early afternoon and I've laid awake just holding her beating myself up for seeing signs and not pushing her to open up to me but I'm here now and I'll be here through it all. Cassie opens her eyes and looks up at me
"I need to pee" she smiles we laugh and as she walks to the toilet I throw a cushion at her. I can hear her still laughing in the bathroom and it makes my heart melt my Cassie is still there he hasnt took all of her she will heal from this quicker than she knows. She comes out and dives straight back into bed into my arms
"Thanks ry, I'm glad I've got you" she says
"Always and forever Cass" I reply softly
She leans over to check her phone and message after message appear from Mac she looks at me for guidance.
"Cass I'll be honest here you're not going home to him, it's over. I've got you I promise I'm going to be by your side every single minute you need me, we are gonna get your things and you're gonna stay here with me" I say. She breaks down crying and between sobs she says
"I'm nothing without him Ry i cant" his made her think she isn't whole with out him! His not a man, his a weak bitch!!
I pull her back so shes looking at my face and i say as soft but stern as i can
"Listen to me please Cassie, that's what he wants you to believe so he always has you when he needs his fix off you but believe me you're everything and more without him. Cass please" I choke back tears I've gotta be strong for her, she must have heard the desperation in my voice because after a few minutes of silence between us Cass finally says
"Ok what Cass?" I ask, I know but I need her to say it I need her to say it out loud so she knows this is very real.
"Ok I trust you Ry, I'm gonna walk away from Mac and you're gonna help me because Ry I will fall apart i feel sick now and i havent even told him its over" she says
"Cass you've got this" I say
She takes a deep breath and says
"I can do this"

Hey Lovelies!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Yayyyy Cassie finally opened up!!

Will she let Ryan help? Is she strong enough to go through with leaving Mac?

What does this mean for her future?

Remember to vote guys ⭐

See you in the next chapter 😘

Toni xx

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