Chapter Twenty

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It's the weekend and were off baby shopping, well Cassie and Leigh are off baby shopping whilst me and Nial sneak off to go engagement ring shopping! I'm not waiting around to make the love of my life my wife Cassie is my best friend, my lover, soon to be mother of my children and soon to be wife if she agrees, we've been through so much together and we will always be there for each other through the good times and the bad times so it just feels right.

The mall is pretty busy nothing unusual for a saturday though we all head to a shop called BabyWagon where they sell prams, car seats, cribs and aload of other stuff I honestly had no idea we needed.
"This pram is nice Cass" I say holding the handle of a sleek silver buggy looks quite cosy too there we go sorted that was quick.
"Yeah lovely and where should I stick the other baby in the basket underneath?" Cassie replies sarcastically rolling her eyes. Leigh laughs and follows Cassie into the direction of other prams that seem to have 2 chairs attached opposed to one and Nial slaps me on the back shaking his head.
I have to keep reminding myself we need two of everything. That buggy was nice thou!

After an hour of Cassie deciding which buggy she wants we finally get some lunch at lullabells a little Italian restaurant within the mall. We find a booth and all give the waiter our orders.
"Where next?" I ask Cass
"We need cribs for the babies so let's get that next" she replies smiling
"Use wanna do that girls I need to get some new kicks was hoping Ryan would tag along" Nial says whilst taking a gulp of his pepsi
"Fine" Cass says with a sigh
"Thanks babe you're the best" I wink, she rolls her eyes in response.
I know she wants me there buying everything alongside her and dont get me wrong that would be lovely but it's boring as hell and I dont see why a buggy cost nearly two fucking grand so she only gets the arsewhole because apprantly I'm being a cheap skate so this works well all round. Cass and Leigh can swoon over baby stuff and buy whatever and me and Nial can go get an engagement ring and probably sneak in a quick pint before they've even picked the cribs out! Happy days!

Four hours later, yes four bloody long hours and we have a boot full of baby stuff including a buggy, a crib and aload of clothes that were "soooooo cute"
I chuckled to myself as I tap my pocket feeling the box that holds the white gold engagement ring. I have it all planned out and with Nial and Leigh's help I hope it goes exactly how I want it to. Leigh doesnt no yet because she would have been way to excited and way to obvious knowing I was going to pick an engagement ring so Nial is gonna tell her when there home.

I've been home 15minutes and I hear my phone ping and I already no its Leigh to be honest though it took her longer than i expected

OMG!!!!! I cant believe u guys acc managed to keep quiet!! When are u gonna do it?

I giggle to myself shes right I have no idea how we managed to stay quiet and buy a ring without Cassie and Leigh noticing, I hit replie

I dont no how we managed it either lol. I ain't telling you when :)

I set my phone on silent and placed it face down on the bedroom night stand knowing full well Leigh would be continuously messaging me about this now.

The week at work seems to have gone slower than normal probably because I no this weekend is the weekend I'm going to ask the love of my life if she will become my wife, to say I'm excited would be an understatement but I'm also nervous I no the moment i propose is a moment that will be a forever memory for me and Cassie and it needs to be perfect so I dont wanna mess it up. Finally friday so only one more sleep until I get to pop the question.

Saturday afternoon has finally rolled around and I'm preparing everything for the question I'm about to ask Cassie, theres a lovely little secluded place me and Cass found a while back we sat there talking about life under the stars and taking in the view around us it soon become 'our place's and what better place to propose than here?!

Hey beautiful, meet me at our special place at 3pm

Ok, everything ok?

Of course. See you soon.

I push the phone back into my pocket and prepare the area, I bought some battery operated fairy lights to hang around the trees that will surround us and give that perfect glow in the nights light, I bought a soft blanket so we are comfy on the grass and will scatter some red rose petals all over it thankfully it's a warm evening so they wont go flying off before Cassie even arrives, a picnic basket filled with all Cassies favourite snacks, 2 champagne glasses and a bottle of non alcohol champagne. I place the tiny black box that holds the white gold engagement ring into the bottom of the picnic basket and that's where it's going to stay so Cassie can stumble across it her self.

Everything's set up and it looks pretty amazing I'm quite proud I hope she likes it I take my phone from my pocket and check the time 2.45pm and notice a message from Nial

Good luck fella! See you at bar 4 for celebratory drinks after!

Thanks mate see you then!

I put my phone back into my pocket once again and relax back onto the blanket waiting for Cassie to join me, knowing that in just 15minutes she will be here and this plan becomes reality is making me a little nervous I cant deny that.

I hear the noise of gravel crunching under car tyres and that instantly pulls me from my thoughts realising Cassie is seconds away from seeing the scene I've set up and probably putting two and two together before I even get to ask the question.
"Oh my god Ry it looks incredible" cassie says, her mouth hanging open whilst looking around taking in the surroundings. I give her a big smile and she comes and sits beside me on the blanket I laid out.
"I thought we'd have dinner somewhere different" I wink "dig in baby"
Cassie chuckles and opens the lid on the picnic basket
"Ooooo champagne" she says eagerly grabbing the bottle.
"Non alcohol mind, our babies dont want champagne" I laugh and she rolls her eyes, I pour us a glass of the non alcohol champagne and we catch up on our day and whilst Cassie reaches for the cheese and onion roll I prepared for her.
I'd be lying if I said the wait of her finding the little black box wasnt killing me but I knew her reaction would be worth the wait.
Cassie reaches her hand into the basket and her eyes land on the life changing box
"What's this?" She asks confusion spread across her face. I didnt respond
She pulled the box out of the basket and opened it her right hand flung to her chest and her eyes pinged open so wide I was scared they may actually fall out of her sockets, she looked at me for an explanation I smiled and asked her
"Cass I've always loved you and I know I always will, I cant picture a future without you by my side, you're an amazing woman, incredible friend, an amazing girlfriend and you're soon to be an incredible mother to our babies and hopefully if you accept an amazing wife. Will you marry me Cass?"
She doesnt reply straight away the tears flowing from her eyes, she clearly wasnt expecting this I sit waiting for her response but time seems to just stop as she repeatedly shakes her head, crying and holding the bump on her stomach.

My stomach instantly flips I feel a little light headed right now! Does she not want this?!


Hey Everyone!!

I know the ending to this chapter is frustrating for use but hopefully it will make you come back to find out Cassies response 😉

Is her reaction just purely shock and happiness or is there something else going on?

Will Cassie accept Ryan's proposal?

See use in the next chapter !!

Dont forget to comment and hit the vote button⭐

Toni xx

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