Chapter TwentyOne

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Sitting in the little booth with the people important to me I feel content, i feel happy, all warm inside its definitly a nice feeling I hope I never lose.
"I cant believe you didnt answer for 5 minutes" Leigh laughs at Cassie
"Tell me about it longest 5 minutes of my life" I shake my head
"I was shocked, I said yes eventually didnt I?" Cassie shrugs and laughs.
She did thankfully say yes thank God. Knowing I get to marry this woman is beyond incredible I cant wait! The delay in her replie was due to shock and overwhelming emotions Cassie said so I guess that means me, Nial and Leigh done a pretty good job keeping it a surprise which I'm over the moon about, I know that proposal will be a forever memory and it will have the romantic memories aswell as the funny ones to go with.

After a few hours spent at bar 4 I can see Cass is looking exhausted so we say our goodbyes to Nial And Leigh and head home. Once inside the apartment we sit on the sofa snuggled and wait for the chinese we ordered to be delivered. Finally the night draws to an end and we head for the bedroom and I was not expecting the surprise Cass had in store for me one tiny bit, I was laying under the covers in my boxers ready for Cass to come snuggle and fall asleep seems she has other ideas, she had already removed the bottom half of her clothing she gave me a smirk before slowly lifting the top she was wearing up over her head revealing a red laced bra that had three thin strips of fabric coming from the middle of the bra, over her perfect bump that holds our twins, down to the edge of her matching red lace thong where it seems to attach. To say my jaw dropped would be an understatement I swear, how this woman is standing before me heavily pregnant looking more amazing than ever makes me feel like I'm living a dream she is absolutely breath taking and I honestly cant believe I'm the one she wants to marry and spend her future with.
"You like the view?" Cassie asks with a seductive tone to her voice
Hell yes I do!! And she knows it!!
I can only nod in response I cant seem to form the words. Cassie giggles lightly as she straddles me on our bed.
"You didnt think I'd go to sleep with out making love to my fiance for the first time did ya baby?" She asks playfully.
I smirk realising she was right this is the first time we would make love as an engaged couple.

I pull Cassie down to meet my face until our lips meet, we kiss softly at first light little playful kisses that quickly become more passionate, more deep, more rushed. We needed each other in this moment, I carefully turned us round so Cassie was laying on her back my body now hovering closely over hers, our kisses never breaking but becoming more intense, I can feel the heat from Cassies tight pussy through the fabric of my boxers and it just gets me turned on even more if that's even possible. I reach between Cassie's legs and I feel a button on the underneath of her red Lacey thong, I quickly pop that open and thrust two fingers deep inside her she moans out instantly in pleasure
"Mmmm I love how wet you always are for me Cass, how you're always ready for me" I whisper against her ear my fingers still thrusting inside her, she moans in response and I cant wait anymore I need to feel her wrapped around my cock I need to be inside my fiancee. I pull my boxers off as quickly as possible and push inside her, she takes every inch as her back arches off the bed and I fucking love it I love knowing I can please her, make her feel good, bring her to climax. After a few minutes we slow down the intensity becoming more soft more loving more intimate, she moans in my ear and shes close to tipping me over the edge I dont no if I can hold back anymore
"Fuck Ry I'm so close" Cassie pants
That's all I needed to hear right now. I thrust inside her faster and faster until I feel the walls of her pussy tightening around me as she moans out her climaxing hitting her, we are both moaning out in pleasure and our climax seems to have started and finished in sync and my god is that the most amazing feeling in the world, climaxing in sync makes me feel so close to Cass and I'm sure it does the same for her to.

After our breathing becomes steady I climb off of Cass and lay by her side pulling her in close, I inhale her scent like I always do at every opportunity I get, I cant really describe it it's just a Cassie smell and I'll never get enough. Some people get addicted to alcohol or drugs or food or whatever but my addiction is Cassie always has been always will be.
"I love you so much Cass" I say softly whilst stroking her hair
"I love you too babe" she replies sleepily
I can see her eyes growing heavy so I pull her closer into my embrace and let the darkness consume us as we fall asleep wrapped up in each other for the first time as an engaged couple.

The sound of the alarm echoing through out our bedroom let's me no monday has rolled around, I hate that Cassie still has to go to work whilst heavily pregnant I wish I earnt enough so she never had to work a day in her life again if she didnt want to and my aim is to make that happen one day. I quickly make Cass a decaf coffee and take it in to her, I place a kiss on her forehead and softly say
"Baby up you get"
Cassie grunts in response and I cant help but lightly chuckle
"Beautiful come on your be late" I say softly stroking the hair from her face
"Jheeze ok ok I'm up, god I cant wait for maternity leave to start" she moans
"I no baby" I reply
I softly kiss her forehead again before heading for the shower. After an hour or so we are both showered, dressed and ready to head out the door to go our separate ways to work
"See you later, MummaGs?" I ask
"I'm meeting Leigh after work babe for some maternity clothes and baby bits" she responds
"Ok beautiful, I'll see you later on have a good day yeah I love you" I say I crash my lips onto hers softly before she responds
"See you later handsome, I love you too"

Thankfully the day has come to an end, I plan on a chilled night takeaway and DVD since Cass is out with Leigh shopping and we all know that wont be a quick trip. I climb into my car and just as my arse hits the drivers seat my phone rings I pull it out of my pocket to see Leigh's name flashing on the screen. Strange!
"Hello" I say answering the call
"Ry, I met cassie from work, oh my god" Leigh is sobbing down the phone shes talking so fast I have to concentrate on the words shes saying a hell of alot. "She, she" she trails off the sobs become uncontrollable
"Leigh what's going on, calm down I cant hear you talk to me. Is Cassie ok?" I ask panic spreading through out my body. I hear Leigh take a deep breath before she continues talking with a shaky voice
"She was crossing the road to get to me a car" she sobs "a car it came from nowhere and was going so fast" she cries so loud I have to pull the phone away from my ear a little "it knocked straight into Cassie shes unconscious the ambulance are here"
I drop the phone and hit the accelerator as hard as possible Cassie doesnt work far from me I need to get to her. Surely Leigh is mistaken, not my cass not my babies. I feel sick, the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I'm praying Leigh has got it wrong because if anything happens to Cassie or my babies the person driving will wish they was never born! I've only just got Cass and if someone has took her away from me in such a cruel way I'll be out for blood!

Hey Everyone!!

Thanks so much for reading!!

So has Cassie been run over ? Or has Leigh got it all wrong ?

If she has will she survive? Will the babies survive?

Who done it? A random driver or someone who wants to harm Cassie?

Tell me your thoughts and theories!!

We only have one or two chapters left now guys😱😱 dont worry thou there will be a second book😉

Dont forget to comment and hit the vote button⭐

Toni xx

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