Chapter Fourteen

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Back to Ryan's pov

Last night was so unexpected I cant believe me and Cass made love it was so passionate the best I've ever encountered I finally get the saying people say now 'sex with feelings is undescribable' i really cant put into words the feelings I feel right now.
I finish cooking the bacon and put it into the buttered white bread and place it on a tray along side a cup of coffee just the way Cassie likes it, I've even added a tiny vase that I dug out of my mums cupboard and put one of the pink rose's my mum had on the dining room table in it and made my way up to the bedroom me and Cass was sharing.
"Morning Beautiful" I smile at Cass. She looks relieved
"Cass?" I ask concerned not understanding why the look of relief washes over Cassie's face when I walk in the room.
"Come sit we need to talk" she replies patting the space beside her on the bed. My stomach drops I feel all colour draining from my face, she regretted what happened how could I be so stupid I'm gonna lose her completely now. I look at her just waiting for her to tell me last night shouldn't of happened. I see her swallow hard before saying
"Ry about last night I....." I interrupted her
"Cass stop it's fine you regret it I'm a ......" she cut me off quickly
"I dont regret it! Do you?" She asks her eyes dropping to her hands
"I dont not one bit Cass" I replie she looks up instantly
"Oh god what a relief I felt sick when you wasnt in bed when I woke up" she says and I can hear the relief in her voice now understanding the expression on her face when I walked into the room.
I pointed to the breakfast not saying nothing
"I need to tell you something, something I've been holding back on saying" she says
"Ok" I say warily not knowing what's coming next.
She swallows hard licks her lips and begins to talk. She tells me how shes always loved me as a friend but after a while of her being with Mac she realised she was in love with me she said she wasnt sure at first if it was just because the way Mac was treating her but then she said
"When me and Mac split, the way you was with me and the more time we spent together I realised no I do love you Ryan madly and deeply in love with you and to be honest I reckon I probably always was I just never realised" I went to say something but no words come out instead my eyes were fixed on hers and my jaw was hanging open. She loves me!! The woman I've always loved fucking loves me! Am I dreaming right now?! This cant be true can it?!

Day turned into night and before I know it we are all sitting round the dining room table playing a game of monopoly with food and some drinks. Me and Cass spent most of the day talking about us and exactly what we wanted us to be I told her everything I felt and how I've always felt that way and we decided to start a relationship and see where it goes however, we agreed not to tell anyone yet as we didnt want the pressure of it working out to be honest I feel like all my dreams have come true, Christmas really is the most magical time of year.
"Its gone so quick cant use stay longer?" My mum pleads
"Sorry mum we promised Nial and Leigh a get together before we're all back to work" I replie giving her a sympathetic look
"Dont worry Darl were be over again before you no it" Cass winks
"You will?" Mum asks looking back and forth to me and cassie
"Of course, let's enjoy our last night together" I reply smiling and rolling the dice for my move on the game board.
This christmas has been perfect I've spent it surrounded by people I love in a beautiful house and now have the pleasure of calling my best friend my girlfriend nothing will ever beat this feeling and the best part is nothing will ever take it away.
The game finished Mum won she was very pleased with her self and took great pleasure in letting us all know we suck.
"Night Darl" Cassie said placing a kiss on my mother's cheek whilst giggling
"Night sweetheart" my mum replied returning her hug and giving a kiss on Cassies cheek
I also said my good nights and me and Cassie headed up the stairs and knowing I'm sharing a bed with the woman i love now as my girlfriend is a dream come true.

"Bye guys" me and Cass shout from the car to Kyle and my very tearful mother as we drive off. Mum begged us to stay one more night as we was eating breakfast together Kyle had to step in and reassure her this wasnt a forever goodbye. To be honest as much as I have loved spending time with my mum and kyle I want to be home now in my own bed with my own belongings and I'm quite looking forward to a christmas celebration with Nial and Leigh I dont see Nial to much now his moved out so will be nice to catch up and let off some steam.
"Looking forward to catching up with Nial and Leigh?" I ask Cass
"Aww yeah it will be nice feels like forever since we've all hung out" Cass replies I quickly face her to give her a smile and her face lights up. This is gonna take some getting used to I'm not use to having this affect on Cass, it feels so surreal.

The sound of the dustbin workers collecting the dirty bins outside wakes me I groan and look at the clock it's only 8am I smile as reality hits me that the beautiful woman laying beside me is my woman, I plan to make her happy every single day even if it's just for 5minutes out of the day. I roll towards her and plant a soft kiss on her forehead and she stirs
"Shh babygirl go back to sleep" I say softly she smiles and nuzzles her face into my chest I cant help but smile. Knowing I'd set my alarm for 10am I fell back to sleep cuddled up to Cassie.
"Wakey wakey sleepyhead" Cass says passing me a cup of tea she seems chirpy today
"I could get used to this" I winked. Cass laughed in response
"You slept through the alarm and we have lots to do before Nial and Leigh get here" Cassie says. It's not like me to sleep through an alarm but I guess I've never had the contentment ive been feeling recently.

After a few hours of cleaning the apartment, digging out the playing cards, ensuring we had some nibbles and drinks on hand and getting ready the door knocked
"I'll get it" I shout to Cass, shes just putting some earrings in
"Alright fella" Nial says making his way past me
"Hey Ry" Leigh greets me with a kiss to each cheek before walking in side.
Cassie comes into the living room she looks incredible, shes wearing a pair of light coloured denim skinny Jean's, a red strapless top, her hair hanging loosely down her back, subtle make up and the long sparkly diamond earrings I gave her for Christmas
"Hey guys" Cass says
Leigh and Nial turn to face her
"Alright Cass" Nial says
"Wow you look incredible Cass you're glowing" Leigh says taking the sight of Cass in
"Thanks girl you look gorgeous too" Cass says with a smile. We all sit down on the sofa, snacking on the nibbles, drinking some wine and catching up it was lovely, me and Cass remained tight lipped about our blossoming romance but the sexual tension between us was hard to ignore we always gave each other a slight flirty look or a simple yet powerful touch it was exciting to say the least, Nial and Leigh didnt notice so it was also quite funny.

The night came to an end it was definitely nice catching up with Nial and Leigh, swapping presents and having a little celebration of our own. This christmas has been my best one yet and one I'll definitely remember forever.
"Use staying?" I asked Nial and Leigh
"Yeah fella that cool? Sofa will be a struggle but were survive" Nial responds
"No need your room is free and still has your old bed" Cassie says with a smile
"Oh" Leigh says raising an eyebrow
"Night guys" me and Cass say together before quickly heading for the room. We shut the door behind us and started to laugh we could hear Nial and Leigh talking amongst themselves and we hear the bedroom situation mentioned. We knew there would be questions in the morning ones we probably couldnt avoid, what will be will be me and Cass ain't embarrassed about our relationship we just dont want to rush I guess we are both scared that if it doesn't work and everyone knows it will put a bigger strain on getting our friendship back. I've always loved Cassie and always will so I'm confident were be telling everyone pretty soon.

Hey Lovelies!!

Thanks for reading!!

Aww isnt Ryan just a proper gentleman? Breakfast in bed! 😍

So Ryan and Cass have finally admitted their feelings for one another and took their relationship to a whole new level ❤

Will it last? Will it run smoothly ? Will Ryan get his happy ever after with the woman his always loved? Or will there be a turn of events ?

Dont forget to leave a comment and vote ⭐

Also thanks for everyone who's added my story to their reading library I appreciate the support alot😘

Toni xx

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