Chapter Four

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We're all looking at Cass waiting eagerly for what shes about to say, I actually feel sick
"Cass come on!!" I demand getting frustrated.
She laughs and says
"Well when i see you drive off I wacked a top on over my sports bra and got in my driving instructors car" she explains
"No way!! Omg!" Leigh squeals. The relief overwhelming me
"I took my driving test I passed!! 2 minors" she says clapping her hands together like an excited child in a sweet shop. Everyone congratulates her and I can not even begin to describe the relief I feel that she is not expecting Mac's baby! Awful I no!
I get up and give her the biggest cuddle
"I'm so proud of you Cass" I whisper in her ear
"Love ya" she says
"Ditto" I say and let go of her.
"Come on let's get this celebration started!!" Nial shouts.
We all head to the bar and Mac orders a shot of tequila for everyone, we lick the salt off the side of our hands, neck the shot and bite down on the lime.
"Shit!" Cass laughs the shot obviously hitting her unexpectedly.
We order our drinks and head to the dancefloor, we drink, laugh and dance the night away. Cass is much happier today. I'm glad she done her driving test I've been on at her for years so its about time, her and Mac seem there normal lovey dovey selfs and I find it quite hard to watch but everyone is just in good spirits and in this moment everything is how it's meant to be.

Before I know it the club lights turn on and we are all squinting whilst our eyes adjust to the light I always find this part of the night the funniest this is when you see the women hiding their faces and the men being reassuring telling them they're beautiful. Cass and Leigh are still dancing away oblivious to everything around them their wasted, we all are it's been a good night.
"Come on ladies I shall walk use out" Nial says putting a posh voice on. The girls laugh and Leigh says
"Spoil sport"
We manage to get the girls out Mac and Cass get into one cab heading home and me, Nial and Leigh get in a cab back to the apartment. Leigh is sparko laying on Nial in the backseat.

Finally we arrive home, I make my way to my room feeling grateful I dont have to try getting a woman undressed and in bed the state Leigh is in poor Nial. I strip off and just as I lay in bed my phone pings


I laugh and quickly respond

Lol home too! Love ya x

I lay my phone on the nightstand and as soon as my head hits the pillow my eyes grow heavy and the darkness consumes me.

The sun shining through the windows wakes me, I should really get some blinds for them. My head is fucking killing I get up drag myself to the kitchen for a glass of water and some painkillers, as I'm taking the tablets Nial walks in
"Great minds think alike fella" he says reaching for a glass of water and some painkillers I grunt in reply
"I'm blaming Leigh for my headache fucking woman throwing up last night" Nial huffs
"Fucking hell she alright now?" I ask
"Shes still asleep and I didnt kill her so I reckon shes fine" he shrugs I laugh and walk back to my room. I'm gonna go grab some blinds today i cant bare another morning being woke up by the sun shining in my face, i text Cass to see if she wants to tag along.

Going ikea to grab some blinds. Fancy it?x

Hell yes! Be at yours in an hour. I'm driving ;) x

Cass driving well this will be a first I quickly have a shower and get ready I pull my grey nike joggers on, tie the laces to my black airforces and just as I pull the plain black tee over my head theres a knock on the door.
"Come on let's go!" Cassie says excitedly as I open the door. I laugh
"Ok ok let me grab my wallet" we approach Cassies BMW series 3 in black cant lie it looks amazing perfect fit for Cass
"Mac?" I ask as I get into the passenger side
"Well I bought it its just from his company, he would have had a fit if I went elsewhere. I got it this morning" she says with a smile spread across her face.
"Nice, up early wasnt ya shocking!" I say sarcastically. As she drives off I take a glance at her, shes concentrating on the road ahead I'm so proud of how far shes come. I cant help but notice the bags sitting under Cassie's eyes, shes not wearing any make up and hair doesn't even look like shes brushed it. Its unlike her, somethings changed with Cass recently actually it seems to be from when we ran into Lucia.
"Yeah I havent been sleeping to great" she rolls her eyes.
"You doing ok Cass?" I ask
"Oh yeah I'm fine stop worrying" she lightly laughs
"You no you can talk to me about anything, I no seeing Lucia was a shock but....." she interrupts abruptly
"Ryan I'm fine, I'm over it with Lucia. Yes it wasnt nice but it happened I'm not dwelling on it"
I just nod. Ok maybe seeing Lucia isnt the reason why shes not been herself recently, I dont feel like now is the time to ask she seems quite agitated, she knows I'm here if needed and always will be.

We pull into ikea and I have to admit her parking is pretty good
"Nice one Cass" I say
She turns the engine off, unbuckles her seat belt and winks at me
"What can I say a woman of many talents" we both laugh and head towards ikea. Cass has always loved this store personally it drives me insane I mean I only want some plain black out blinds to block the sun early in the morning but theres rows upon rows of the things. We head in the store and 10 minutes of Cass roaming aisles which consist of things no ordinary person needs I finally huff and say
"Come on Cass I only want some blinds for my room" she laughs and rolls her eyes. I follow her towards the blind isle and I'm at a loss theres hundreds of the bloody things.
"Knock yaself out" Cass laughs
"I just want black, blackout blinds" I say overwhelmed with sparkly blinds of all different colours and styles.
"Come on" Cass laughs dragging me towards the end of one of the aisles. She picks up four blinds, black. Perfect! Wait hang on shes picked two up that look shorter in width than the other ones.
"Cass their not the same width?" I ask confused
"That because the width of your windows ain't the same you have two smaller ones width way at the ends of the windows" she says matter of factly. I shrug my shoulders I have complete faith that Cassie knows what to get because I sure as hell dont. We head for the counter and Cassie's phone pings. She reads it and her face drops from the happy look she had just seconds before.
"What's up?" I ask
"Nothing, but I need to leave" she says bluntly
"Why what's going on?" I ask confused
"Nothing Ryan can we just pay for this and leave I'll drop you back hurry up" and she walks off towards the cashier.
Why is Cass being so secretive with me all of a sudden shes so distant and withdrawn its breaking my heart she wont even tell me what's going on I dont even no what to do or think. All I no is that everytime weve been out recently if her phone pings she needs to leave and she looks so miserable this isnt the Cassie I no shes like a complete different person recently.

Weve made it to my apartment a silent car ride is never a good sign.
"Thanks Cass, text me when you're home" I say
"Yeah" she replies and drives off. I really hope shes ok I'm worried about her. I thought it was the Lucia incident at bar 4 but she reassured me and firmly put me in my place that wasnt the case so I have no idea I'm at a complete loss. My phone pings pulling me from my thoughts.

I'm home, sorry I had to rush off. Talk soon. Loveya x

I just hope you're ok. Love ya 2 x

I toss my phone onto the bed and grab my drill, i might not know which blinds to buy but I know how to put them up thankfully. After around half an hour of fiddling around and drilling the blinds are finally up and I'm liking the new addition to my room. I no the mornings will be dark soon now that were in autumn but still be nice to go to sleep in the dark and wake up in the dark instead of being woke by sun shining on my face.

After a shower I grab some loose shorts and put them on, I lay on the bed and the only thoughts that go through my mind are about Cassie, she just doesn't seem herself and if she isnt going to share what's bothering her with me I hope she's shared it with Mac or is able to pull herself out of it and back to the Cassie that's full of life, fun, chatty and bubbly soon. The thoughts consume my mind and before I no it the darkness has consumed me and I'm asleep with my alarm set for work tomorrow.

Hey Lovelies!!

This chapter is a little shorter apologies!!

I hope use are enjoying A Thousand Words so far!

So what do you think is going on with Cassie? 

Are use team Ryan or team Mac?

Any comments left don't go unnoticed they are all appreciated!!

See use in chapter five 😘

Dont forget to add my story to your reading list and hit the vote button ⭐

Toni xx

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