Chapter Five

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Hey Guys,

⚠️This chapter may contain sensitive content for some readers so please be aware of this before continuing ⚠️ There will also be some information for any readers that need it at the end of the chapter⚠️

Thank you! 😘

This chapter will be in Cassie's P.O.V


Feels so weird me driving Ryan around but nice all the same. We're off to ikea I love this place they sell so much of everything, Ryan decides he now needs blinds for his room it's only took him 5years. I park the car up and Ryan says
"Nice one Cass" I cant help but feel a little big headed about the fact his just praised me for my parking so I turn the engine off and unbuckle my seat belt give him a wink and say
"What can I say a woman of many talents" we both laugh and head into ikea, I begin roaming the aisles Ryan tagging behind
"Come on Cass I only want some blinds for my room" i just laugh and rolls my eyes anyone would think I've spent half hour looking around I mean its only been a few minutes. Truth is I dont get to do stuff like this anymore Mac always wants to know what's being bought for the house so I cant buy things with out his approval and when we go together he never likes the stuff I do so I dont even say anything anymore i just follow him around like a lost puppy. I guide Ryan towards the blind isle and I can see he dont no where to start its hilarious
"Knock yaself out" I laugh
"I just want black, blackout blinds" Ryan says, I no if I wasnt here he wouldnt be leaving here with blinds at all.
"Come on" i laugh dragging him towards the end of one of the aisles. I pick up four black out blinds using the measurements of Ryan's windows he gave me a while back not that he probably remembers giving them to be fair.
"Cass their not the same width?" He says confusion spread across his face.
"That because the width of your windows ain't the same you have two smaller ones width way at the ends of the windows" I replie matter of factly. He just shrugs his shoulders with the blinds picked we head for the counter and my phone pings I see it's from Mac and my mood instantly changes.

Where the hell are you?

Helping Ry get blinds from ikea be home soon

You're always with him. I'll go out then

I'm sorry I'll leave now.

I cant win I just cant win. I'm always walking on egg shells around him I feel like I'm going crazy nothing I ever do is good enough I dont no where I'm going wrong.
"What's up?" Ryan questions
"Nothing, but I need to leave" I say bluntly
"Why what's going on?" Ryan asks I can the confusion on his face but I cant tell him he wouldnt understand. Mac is a good man his just lost his way a little he never used to be like this.
"Nothing Ryan can we just pay for this and leave I'll drop you back hurry up" and i walk off towards the cashier.

I no Ryan's probably worried because I always tell him everything but how can I tell him the man I'm planning to marry makes me miserable half the time. That he makes me feel worthless always throwing horrible words my way, how can I tell my best friend that I dont feel like me anymore but I love Mac so much I cant leave him his just been stressed with work and stuff recently it will get better soon I no it will, when it's good between us it's really good.

We've made it to Ryan's apartment a silent car ride the whole time but I just didnt have anything to say I just needed to get home quickly to avoid an argument with Mac.
"Thanks Cass, text me when you're home" Ry says
"Yeah" i reply before speeding off. I really hope Mac isnt to mad he was busy doing stuff for work tomorrow so didnt think he would mind it's not like we had anything planned.

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