Chapter Eleven

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We're back to Ryan's POV :)

Amazing what blow dried hair and some nails does for a woman and I'm glad to see Cass smiling again I knew her blow drying and doing her hair would make the world of difference she always says to me
"Ry when a girls hair is done, her nails are done and shes dressed in the perfect outfit she can conquer the world" and I always use to laugh it off but I took note, that's obviously what makes Cassie feel like she can conquer the world and she should feel like that everyday.

When she was getting ready earlier I packed a cool box full of her favourite food which consists of strawberries, egg sandwiches, crisps and more i put it in the boot of the car, the only time I've ever felt grateful for the hairdryer drowning out any other noise.

I drive off in my car Cass looking at everything we come up to excited and then deflated when I drive past it. I cant help but laugh
"Ryan were are we going, we've been driving for 20 minutes already?" Cass says the suspense killing her. Shes like a little girl in a sweet shop being told no when she dont know what's going on its hilarious.
"Five more minutes I swear" I say laughing.
Truth is it's nothing extravagant, there's a little meadow half an hour from the mall, a picnic in a meadow surrounded by tall strands of corn and trees and the feeling of being free is all I had in mind I figured Cass could do with escaping reality for a while and to me theres no better place, theres even a little pond in this meadow somewhere so she can get lost in her thoughts looking into the water. Truth be told I'm hoping she will reflect on everything and remember exactly who she is and hopefully this will give her a kick in the right direction.
"Here" I say parking the car into a parking bay just outside of the meadow. Cassie's looking around completely lost
"Where exactly is here?" She questions confusion spread across her face
"You'll see" I say taking the cool box from the boot. Cassie dont say nothing just raises an eyebrow and follows me in amusement. Not many people know about this place and it's obvious Cassie is one of them people which makes it even more great.

I lay a blanket down on the grass, I manage to find a spot that isnt to long and start unloading the contents of the cool box onto the blanket whilst Cassie sits there taking in the scenery around her. She turns to me and smiles grabbing a strawberry and taking a bite
"This is lovely Ry, and all my favourite food you're the best" she says whilst she exhales slowly. She looks so calm and content right now maybe she just needed to be in nature to ground herself, life gets to much for us all at some point right?

Suddenly Cassie stands up and walks into the long strands of corn that stand tall, flings her arms out either side of her looks up into the sky, the sun shining on her beautiful body making the pretty white dress shes worn stand out and she breathes in and out in such calmness it's quite tranqulising to watch if I'm being honest. I just sit watching her I dont wanna disturb her this is the most free I've seen Cass in a long time and I miss her being like this so I soak up every single moment.

We get into the apartment and after dropping the cool box on the kitchen side we head straight to the bedroom. Cass flops on the bed spread out like a star fish and I just laugh, she props herself up on her elbows and looks at me
"Thank you so much for today Ryan you have no idea how much you've helped me" she says. I can hear the gratitude in her voice, she has no idea that I'd move heaven and earth for her if I could.
"Anytime cass" I say in a soft tone giving her a wink.
She looks beautiful, she looks like shes glowing and you know what she looks genuinely happy and at peace a look I havent seen on Cass for a long while now.

Waking to the sound of birds tweeting outside rather than an alarm or bright sun in my face feels like absolute bliss I grab my phone to check the time 11am, I could get used to this. I see a message from Nial

You & Cass wanna meet me and Leigh for some late lunch we're going MummaGs 2pm?

I nudge Cass awake I wanna check with her before confirming, I know she was feeling great yesterday but todays another day so I dont want to assume.
"Hey sleepy head wakey wakey" I say to her softly she grunts in response. After a couple of minutes she rolls over to face me with her eyes open still looking sleepy, she looks so cute right now.
"Nial text" I say
"Mmmm" Cass sleepily responds
"Asked if we wanted to meet him and Leigh for a late lunch" i continue
"Where?" She asks
"MummaGs at 2" I respond
Cass instantly sits up, rubs her eyes and says in a sarcastic tone
"Well duh"
We both laugh and I text Nial back to confirm we will be there.

I head for the kitchen and make me and Cass a coffee since we have lots of time before we need to meet Nial and Leigh and i know she loves her morning coffee it's like she needs it before she can function for the day, I'll never understand it to be honest I mean I can go without coffee for a week and think nothing of it, each to their own I guess.

We arrive at MummaGs and see Nial and Leigh sitting in a little booth we go to join them
"You look great babe" Leigh says to Cassie
"I feel it" Cassie replies with a smile ear to ear she gives me a wink before sitting down. I have to admit I think yesterday done Cass the world of good she definitely seems happier, less stressed and a little more care free again god I've missed seeing her like this. We all tuck into the food we've ordered and I'm so relieved to see Cass slowing coming back to her normal self over the past few days, Mac might have thought she couldnt live with out him but shes proving him wrong everyday. Dont get me wrong I'm not naive I know she misses him, I know shes hurting and I know she probably blames herself but at some point she will realise Mac was the lowest of the low and I dont think it will take her long to realise that, shes one of the strongest women I know and this will only make her stronger and wiser than shes ever been and i know for a fact after experiencing life with a narcissist she will never settle for less than she deserves again.
"Fuck sake Ry, helloooo pass the ketchup will ya" Nial says waving his hand in front of me
"Sorry mate miles away" I replie passing him the ketchup. After a couple of hours of eating, catching up and laughing we head back to the apartment for a movie night that Cassie and Leigh suggested no doubt were be watching some boring chick flick I suppose watching Nial reassuring Leigh it's a great choice of film will be funny.

"Tired?" I ask Cass as I see her yawning. She nods her head in response
"Dont let us keep ya Cass" Leigh laughs
"Yeah I'm gonna head to bed. Thanks so much for today guys. Love use all" Cassie says as she gets up to head towards the bedroom.
"Im out to, night guys" I say to Nial and Leigh. So we all say are good nights and me and Cass head for the bedroom.
"I'm just gonna nick a shirt" Cass winks
"What's a matter with your draw full of pyjamas" I respond raising an eyebrow.
She heads towards the bathroom with one of my shirts hanging over her shoulder and just gives me a wink. Damn the things this woman does to me is unreal!

We're both laying in bed watching some shit on the t.v that Cass put on
"Hey Ry, what do you do at christmas these days?" Cassie asked her eyes still on the t.v
"I spend it with my family, you gonna come? We can have it here if you want just us I dont mind?" I respond. I knew it would have been on Cassie's mind since we're not far off christmas now and she normally spends it with Mac and his family but not being with Cass this year is out of the question I promised this woman I would look after her and I'm a man of my word.
"Christmas with you and your family sounds perfect" she says with a smile on her face. We lock eye contact for a few minutes and I smile at her before she rolls over
"Night Ry. Love you" she says softly
"Ditto Cass" I respond

Hey Lovelies!

Seems like Cassie is doing well, do you think she could still be sucked into Mac's games or is he old news ?

Will Cassie and Ryan's relationship ever be more than just friends?

Let me know your thoughts!!

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Toni xx

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