Chapter Seven

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I text Cass on my way into work, this week is going so slow it's only wednesday, work seems to be slow at the minute I hope it picks up again soon, seeing Cass always brightens my day so hopefully shes able to meet.

Morning Cass, lunch?x

Defo! Meet you in greggs love ya x

Ditto x

Great! Atleast I got something to look forward to today, decent lunch and the sight of Cassie's beautiful face. After a few customers in and out this morning for tyre changes or small odd jobs to be done here and there on their cars my day brightens up an older man gotta be atleast 60 odd comes in with an old classic a 1966 revology mustang what a beaut, I'm all over that!
"Hello sir, beautiful piece of work you have there! How can I help?" I ask the man
"Ah yes she is, the engine isnt sounding great and I think the break pads are playing up" he replies
"No worries leave it with us and were have it up and running this evening for you" I reply
"Perfect. Thanks mate see you at around 5pm" the old man says handing me his keys and heading out of the garage. I run my finger tips over the body of the car and I'm in love this really is a beaut of a car! The sound of a loud bell letting us know it's time for lunch pulls me from my thoughts! Time to meet Cass.

I arrive at Gregg's, pretty empty today Cass is already sitting down she waves me over
"Here got yours already, hows work?" She asks as I sit down in the chair across the table from her. She looks exhausted, I've never seen her like this
"You look shattered Cass you ok?" I ask
"I'm fine. Hows work" she says sternly. I know by the tone in her voice she doesn't wanna talk about whatever is going on so I dont ask again instead I tell her all about the car brought into work this morning that I'm gonna be working on and she listens so intently taking in every word I say it's nice knowing your life is interesting enough for the woman you love to listen to, I smile
"What?" Cassie questions wiping her mouth. She must think she has food on her face oblivious to the fact I'm smiling because shes just amazing. I shake my head and just laugh
"Oh yeah, isit ok to stay with you saturday after the party?" Cass asks
"Of course how comes?" I ask
"Gonna be a late one ain't it, I'll be drunk dont wanna disturb Mac" she says I just smile in response. I'm happy knowing not only will I be getting ready with Cass as none of us want to drive so shes gonna get ready at mine since it's closer to bar 4 but I'll be spending the whole night and the morning with her. Perfect! Lunch break over, it's the only part of my day that's gone by quickly atleast I have that beast of a car to crack on with this afternoon. We say our goodbyes and head off in opposite directions.

I feel grateful for my bed right now, today's been a long day at the garage rewarding all the same. Got the mans car up and running perfectly he was over the moon even gave me a £20 tip! Bonus! Was running smoothly when he picked it up, I love my little mustang and realising other people love them kind of cars makes me smile even though his about 30years older than me. I switch the tv off and the lamp and let the darkness consume me taking me into a much needed deep sleep.

Its Friday!! Thank goodness, what a long arse week. I plan to go home and chill since tomorrow is gonna be a messy one Nial and Leigh will be here tonight aswell. I love how strong their relationship is even after years of being together. Just as I leave the garage to head home my phone pings.

Can I stay tonight?x

Two nights away from Mac! Isnt really a good sign their wedding is soon and seems they're falling apart instead of growing stronger together. I send a quick reply before I start the engine to my baby.

Course! On way home now so will just meet you there x

I head indoors and am greeted by Nial and Leigh in the kitchen I put my keys on the kitchen island and sit on the stool I feel knackered
"Cass is in your room Ry" Leigh says raising an eyebrow.
"Thanks" I replie and head for my room and there she is standing in one of my old white shirts, baby pink French knickers and her hair flowing down her back whilst looking out my bedroom window.
"Hey you" I say softly.
She turns to face me and gives a small smile back before turning to face the window again, I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and softly say
"You ok?" She just nods in reply, we dont say anything we just stand there my arms wrapped around her waist whilst staring out the open window watching the world go by.

After around 10minutes Cassie moves out of my embrace and sits on my bed she looks up at me and gives a small smile. She looks so vulnerable, like glass I move the wrong way or say something wrong she could break. Where's my care free Cassie gone?
"Thanks for letting me stay Ry" she says
"Anytime you know that" I reply. I dont wanna ask again what's going on if she wanted me to know then I would know.
"I'm gonna grab a shower ok" I say
She nods acknowledging what I've said
"My clothes look good on you" I wink and she blushes and laughs. I head to the shower A Thousand Words a minute literally running through my mind right now first one being what the fuck?! Why is she blushing!! Is she looking at me differently?! Maybe I'm overthinking it but I pray I'm not!

I roll over and check the time on my phone 12.30pm fucking hell needed that sleep obviously, Cass is still asleep too I can vaguely hear Nial and Leigh in the living room so I head out trying not to wake Cass
"Morning, coffee?" Leigh asks
"Yeah cheers Leigh" I say
"You alright fella, Cass stay last night?" Nial asks
"Yeah mate shes sleeping still" I reply
"She ok Ry?" Leigh asks handing me my coffee
"Yeah just easier for tonight ain't it" I reply. They know I'm lying but I dont know what else to say I dont even know why she wanted to stay but I know it was nothing to do with tonight's plans. Cass walks in distracting me from my thoughts and I'm glad because I dont no what else Leigh was about to ask but I knew I couldnt answer the questions she had. Cass smiles at me and heads for the kettle in the kitchen so I get up and go to her
"Morning Cass, ready for tonight?" I ask giving her a nudge
"Hell yes after that sleep I'm defo ready" she laughs
"Go sit down I'll make your coffee" I say. So she goes and joins Nial and Leigh on the sofa, shes pulled one of the blankets me and Nial keep by the sofa over her I mean in just a pair of sexy pink French knickers and my shirt I'm sure she would feel a little chilly. God the image of her standing at my window last night turns me the fuck on and I have to divert my thoughts before I can go over to them all.

I hand Cassie her coffee and sit beside her and pull the cover over me too, her legs instantly come in my direction, her feet resting on my thigh and her knees resting against my chest, shit my hands could easily wander under the little knickers shes wearing and with that my cock feels hard against my shorts and I again have to divert my attention away from that thought.

Finally the night arrives and were all ready in our costumes we bought last week! We head for the club and its packed solid when we arrive, we make our way to the bar 2 tequilas each done and our normal drinks I'm on the jack Daniel's and coke tonight after a few drinks they've clearly done the trick for everyone, were all dancing and joking around. The song Pretty Ricky grind with me comes on and caught up in the moment me and Cass are dancing she's grinding her perfect little arse all over my cock and I no she can feel it's hard coz she looks back and smirks at me. The drink makes everyone's judgement cloudy so I dont think anything of it. Cassie pulls me off the dancefloor and into a quiet area of the club she pulls me close to her i end up with my back against a wall and her boobs are pushed up against my chest our foreheads are touching and our breathing hitched just a notch, without thinking or hesitation I spin us around, her back now pushed against the wall and my body perfectly pressed against hers I pull her hands above her head and keep them in place with my right hand whilst my left hand holds the small of her back firmly and I place my lips onto hers, my god her lips are perfect they match mine perfectly and are so soft. She kisses me back and her tounge enters my mouth slowly I let her in, both of our tongues envading each others mouths slowly and passionately. I never want this to end!!

Hey Lovelies!!

Hope you've enjoyed this chapter!

So Ryan and Cassie kissed 😱 was it just to much drink? Was Cassie just feeling vulnerable and unloved because of Mac? Will this lead to something or will their friendship be ruined forever?

Tell me your thoughts on my story!

See use in chapter eight

Dont forget to push the vote button ⭐

Toni xx

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