Chapter Twelve

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"Come on Cass" I call out impatiently.
I'm forever waiting for this woman to get ready. Christmas is in two weeks and we decided this weekend we would get all the presents we needed to get, I hope leaving it this close to christmas wouldnt be a mistake.
"Two minutes" she shouts back.
I've come to realise Cassie's two minutes is actually about twenty minutes so I kick back on the sofa waiting for her.
It's been nearly two months since Cass and Mac split and shes better than shes ever been shes settled in well here with me and seems happy adjusting to life as an independent woman again and my god shes glowing she looks better than ever.
Nial moved into Leigh's a few weeks ago and I assumed Cass would wanna move into Nials bedroom but she hasnt, his room has remained empty since he left and neither me nor Cass has brought it up, to be honest I love going a bed with Cassie every night and waking to her next to me every morning maybe she enjoys it to, I mean its defo comforting that's for sure, so whatever her reason for wanting to stay in my room I'm more than happy with.

Fourty minutes pass and Cassie finally comes into the living room where I'm impatiently waiting.
"Come on then" Cass says
"About time" I roll my eyes
"Beauty takes perfection" she winks and I tell you something for nothing she looks incredible shes wearing black knee high boots with light denim Jean's tucked into them, a black top with the words 'imperfectly perfect' wrote across it in a subtle print and an oversized teddy fur black coat, her hair is in loose curls flowing freely and a natural make up look. Stunning is an understatement truth be told though when shes in her gym gear hair bunged up and no make up at all she still looks incredible.

We arrive at the mall and it's so packed, maybe leaving it two weeks before christmas to shop was not the best idea me and Cass have had
"Alright come on river island for Leigh and Nial" Cass says and drags me along.
I was not prepared for this its gonna be a long day.
"What about this?" I say to Cass holding a shirt up for Nial she shakes her head
"No,no,no ok let's go somewhere else we will come back to it if we cant find him something better" Cass says
"Did you get Leigh's?" I ask
"Yeah I got her a blouse, a bag and a purse to match" Cass replies smiling.
Well atleast that's one done I guess. We put our money together and had said that was our limit I gave my half to Cass so it's all together, just seemed easier that way but by what shes buying as gifts I reckon I'll be adding more, this woman loves to shop.

After a good few hours we were finally home slumped on the couch with bags surrounding us and yep I had to put up more money because apprantly when it comes to Christmas there shouldn't be a limit. Bullshit! Cassie just cant help buying stuff especially when it comes to other people shes so generous and thoughtful two of the qualities I love about her.
"Want a coffee?" I ask Cass
"Please" she replies, the exhaustion sounding pretty obvious in the tone of her voice.
I head to the kitchen and make Cassie a coffee, two sugars and a splash of milk and myself a tea, two sugars and a splash of milk.
"Here" I say passing Cassie her coffee, she clasps the cup with both hands surrounding it and takes a small sip
"This is defo needed after today, thanks" she laughs
"Dont I know it" I reply laughing.
After drinking our coffee we decided wrapping them could wait and clearly neither of us wanted to slave over a hot stove cooking food.
"Take away or go out and eat?" I suggested
"Hmmm let's go out" Cassie says.
Where the fuck is she getting her energy from?! I cant lie I expected her to say takeaway, maybe I should switch tea for coffee.
"MummaGs?" I ask already knowing the answer
"Really you still need to confirm" Cassie laughs. Shes right it's always MummaGs unless somewhere else has been planned in advance. So MummaGs it is, I didnt mind I never do when it comes to Cass if I'm honest, whatever makes her happy makes me happy and beside MummaGs food is banging!

We head out of the restaurant happy, full and both tired after finishing our food and head towards Cassie's car she wanted to drive and I werent complaining I really couldnt be bothered and still feels so weird Cass driving me about. We had to park a street down from MummaGs since there was no parking spaces available near by.
Just as we are coming up to the car I notice Mac my stomach drops, i hope Cass dont see him shes been doing so well i dont want her to fall back into that dark place again. I walk along side Cass my eyes fixed to Mac, he doesn't seem to have noticed us so maybe just maybe we can make it away from here without Cass seeing him.
"Cass" Mac shouts and waves in our direction.
For fuck sake what have I done so bad for the universe to put obstacles in my path I roll my eyes I mean theres two ways this can go Mac can manipulate his way back into her head or Cassie tells him what for and i pray it's the latter i really do because i wouldnt be able to watch Cass go back to him after everything he put her through. Cass hasnt acknowledged him, we just continue walking towards her car even at the same pace before he shouted out, maybe she didnt hear. Theres hope yet!
Before I can blink Mac is approaching us
"Cass, didn't you hear me calling?" Mac said panting.
I look at Cass her body language remained the same she was looking straight through him he clearly doesn't have an impact on her anymore and I'm more than grateful for that.
"Wow you look great baby" he says noticing how incredible she looks.
Cassie stops in her tracks so I stop beside her and place my hand on the small of her back letting her know my promise still remains I'm here for her and with her through everything she faces in life.
"1. I'm not your 'baby'" she states empthasizing on the word baby, Mac went to say something but Cass interrupted
"2. I look great because I got rid of you, now fuck off" she says bluntly she doesn't wait for a response instead she walks around him leaving him standing there dumbfounded.
We dont say nothing to one another as we continue to the car she doesn't change the pace shes walking at one bit, this woman is on fire right now I'm fucking proud of her she remembered who she is and changed the whole fucking game! Mac lost a diamond of a woman and he would now have to live with the regret of losing a woman like Cassie and I thank the universe for giving Cassie the strength she needed to make that happen!
We get in the car and before starting it Cass takes a big breath in and slowly exhales. Oh shit! It was all a show? No please dont crumble Cass his not worth any more of your tears his not worth you going back into that black darkness.
"Arsewhole" she says
"You ok Cass?" I ask genuinely worried I'm praying she is I really am.
"That felt great, he never deserved me, he took a big lose not me, letting him go was the biggest win I've ever had" she laughs
All my fears put to rest! I dont think I was expecting such a positive response i am so proud of this woman she is absolutely incredible and she now finally realises her worth she realises that man ain't shit! She deserves the world and more and he will never give it to her and she knows it now!
"Bang on" i say in response a smile spreading across my face and with that she begins driving off. I take my opportunity to glance over at her when shes concentrating on the road and shes smiling away to herself I'm glad that wasnt just a cover up of her emotions I'm so relieved to know that's exactly how she feels about that low life excuse of a man.

Two weeks until we spend our first Christmas in years together and I can not bloody wait! We are so ready for a little break away from Rochly, away from reality for a while. Christmas time has always meant alot to me be surrounded by family the people who mean the most to me and now to share that with Cass is like a dream come true. Well people do say Christmas is a magical time of the year so who knows maybe some miracles will happen!

Hey Lovelies!!

Wow looks like Cass has let the trash stay out 😱

Ryan's got her back no matter what! We all need a friend like that❤

Hope use are enjoying the story so far!

Christmas is coming in A Thousand Words I wonder what it will bring for Cassie and Ryan🤷‍♀️

Dont forget to comment your thoughts and hit the vote button ⭐

Thanks so much to everyone reading!!

Toni xx

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