Chapter Twenty Two

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The sound of people chatting amongst themselves and the coffee machine constantly in use wakes me from the little sleep I've had. I look at my phone and see the time 6:30am I didnt nod off till around 4am when my eyelids grew heavy and I couldnt fight it any more. Three days I've been sleeping curled up on a blue leather recliner chair that sits besides Cassie's bed with tubes and machines surrounding her. Three days ago my life got turned upside down when Leigh phoned me, I prayed she had got it wrong that it wasnt Cassie who had been hit by a car but she hadn't.
When I'd arrived at Cassies work place where she had just left to meet Leigh for some baby shopping I wasnt ready in the slightest for the scene that was before me.
There was an ambulance with flashing lights in the middle of the road, people hovering around whispering amongst themselves and police cars shutting off the road with their lights flashing blue, police officers talking to people standing around and then I noticed Leigh sobbing and shouting for the ambulance people to tell her something, I walked towards her but everything seemed like it was going in slow motion I could literally hear the soles of my shoes slapping across the pavement, i could hear the sound of myself panting as I began picking up the pace to reach Leigh, nobody else mattered in that moment all that mattered to me was reaching Leigh to tell her it wasnt Cassie laying there and she got it massively wrong but I couldnt tell her that, I couldnt laugh at her for getting it so wrong because as I approached her i see Cassies lifeless body sprawled across the cold pavement her head being cradled by Leigh whilst it was rested on Leigh's lap.
I instantly fell to my knees beside my fiancees lifeless body and put my head on her chest
"Baby get up now come on, this isnt funny our babies need you to get up" I said
She didnt respond nobody did. Instead I was pushed to the side by paramedics and before i could fight it or even blink Cassie was being rolled onto what looked like a thin piece of fabric, it was a stretcher and the paramedics where wasting no time putting her onto that and wheeling her into the back of an ambulance. Everything was such a blur I vaguely remember Leigh telling me she would follow the ambulance in the car but I didnt care I dont think I even responded, nothing anybody was doing or saying even registered. I climbed in the ambulance and I held onto Cassies hand so tight for the duration of the journey begging her to wake up but she never did.

Now three days later Im still in the hospital, still begging cassie to wake up but she hasnt shes currently in a coma with a broken leg, broken arm and fractured ribs, our babies our alive and doing ok I dont know how they pulled through as the nurses informed me before doing a scan to expect the worse as the impact of the hit would probably be to much for then to survive yet their still growing inside their mummy's belly and being monitored by the hospital staff I've been told they may have to be delivered early and I'm praying Cassie wakes up before that has to happen, she should see them with me she should hold them with me.
I cant do this alone! I dont want to do this alone!


I dont no where I am or what's going on, I cant seem to move or talk or respond to anything but all I no is i can feel and hear Ryan every now and then grabbing my hand or my face and begging me to wake up. I wanna scream I am awake you fool but the words dont seem to come out. I feel confused, I'm so scared, Its like I have no control over my body.
I've heard some people chatting with Ryan but I cant make out who they are or what they're saying I'm trying thou.
"How is she?" I hear a familiar voice ask
"Still the same, the nurses have said they may have to deliver the babies earlier" I hear Ryan's voice say back and I can tell it's full of sadness. This must be bad.
My babies whose going to deliver my babies early and why? They aren't ready yet and I need to be there.
I feel myself getting angry at the thought. What on earth is going on. I need to get Ryan or anybody to acknowledge I'm here i can hear and feel them.
I'm surrounded by silence I cant hear a thing other than a beeping noise and it petrifies me, wheres ryan gone, that familiar voice wheres that gone.
I suddenly feel a presence near me and then I feel my hand being held and stroked in circular motions. Its Ryan I can smell him I can feel him I know my Ryan.
"Baby I miss you, I need you, our babies need their mummy please wake up for us now please" I hear him say
His crying thou, his pleading and begging his hurting.
With every little bit of strength I have in me I try so hard to concentrate on squeezing his hand or something to give him some sign to say I'm here you moron but it doesnt work and I feel exhausted. Suddenly it grows real dark, real quite and I let it consume me.


I've begged and begged and she still hasnt budged the nurses want to try getting her out of the coma end of the week I hope its successful I really do I miss her so much.
Police are investigating as the person driving never stopped they drove off and Leigh said they was going pretty fast. I hope for the drivers sake it was a genuine mistake and they didnt no they'd hit my Cass because if I ever find out who done this there will be hell to pay.
The sound of machines bleeping pulls me from my thoughts, nurses rushing into the room, one flattens Cassies bed another checking the machines another doing something else and another pushing me out of the door
"What's happening, what are you doing, what's going on?!!!" I shout
No one answers me I look through the blinds and they close them on me
"Cassieeeeeee" I shout praying she hears me and fucking wakes up

After what feels like hours but was probably minutes a young woman, with black hair tied into a ponytail approaches me
"Cassies oxygen levels dropped pretty fast and she went into cardiac arrest"she says
"What does that mean, is she ok? Will she wake up? What happens now? The babies?" I ask
"We are doing the best we can for both Cassie and the unborn babies, it can be a good sign but it can also be a bad sign" she replies calmly
"A good sign?" I ask confused I mean how can oxygen levels and going into cardiac arrest be a good sign?
"Cassies body is either completly exhausted and shes slipping further into a coma which will be hard to wake her from or she is very present but is not yet strong enough to come back to us, she may have tried and exhausted herself" the nurse says matter of factly
" and which of these two things do you think is happening?" I ask
"I couldnt possibly tell you, all I can tell you is the babies are ok and Cassie seems to be fighting" she replies
I nod my head in acknowledgement and pray it's because Cassie was trying to come back to me.

Hey everyone!!

Unfortunately this is the last chapter to A Thousand Words 💔 but....... there will be a second book!! I will put it on my message board when I start to upload 😁

So Leigh never got it wrong😔

Will Cassie pull through? Or will Ryan have to go on with out her?

Will the babies survive??

Dont forget to comment your thoughts and hit the vote button⭐

Dont worry all the answers will be answered in the next book 😉 so follow me for updates!!

Toni xx

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