Chapter Eighteen

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I hit the off button on the alarm before it even goes off, I didnt get much sleep last night, tossing and turning hoping the woman I love laying beside me will get the answers she needs today from Dr Anderson and something to help her feel back to her normal self again.

I have a quick shower and then run a bath for Cass whilst I get dried off, I pull my boxers on and go into the bedroom to wake Cassie
"Morning beautiful" I say softly against her temple before planting a kiss there.
"Morning you" she smiles and turns her head, she plants the softest most gentle kiss on my lips before sitting up.
"How you feeling?" I ask
"Ok just weak" she smiles
"I'm running you a bath I figured a shower would be to much, I'm gonna fix you some toast ok" I inform Cassie
"Thanks Ry, I dunno what I'd do with out you" she replies
I send her a wink as I head into the bathroom and turn her bath off.
"Two minutes baby, I'll sort that toast" i say and head straight for the kitchen.

I crack some eggs into a bowl and whisk them and put them into a frying pan onto the hob, I put the bread in the toaster and turn my attention back to the eggs. Once I'm happy with the outcome i butter the freshly made toast and place the scrambled egg on top adding a little salt and pepper and take it into Cass.
"Here gorgeous" I say passing her the plate

Cassie looks a bit better today, shes eating so that's a good sign little portions of food but often and shes keeping it down I'm more relieved shes drinking water now to be honest. Were in the doctors waiting area and Cassie is happily flicking through a magazine that she pulled from the white wooden table in the centre of us. The sound of a buzz has us both looking up to the electronic strip on the wall in front of us that displays the names and rooms the patient must go in


I squeeze Cassies hand and we stand together and head toward Dr Anderson's room, I knock on the door lightly
"Come in" the familiar voice bellows from the other side.
We enter the small room, Dr Anderson is sitting at a desk with a computer in front of him and files surrounding the work top. The other side of the room has a small sink, with a mirror above it and to the right of the mirror is shelving holding several different boxes containing gloves, tissue, plasters etc. To the left of the sink is a classical doctors bed with fresh tissue like cloth lining it, above that is a curtain rail with a blue thin piece of cloth like material hanging from it gathered at the side of a silver metal trolley that contains needles, boxes, tubes and alot more I cant identify.

"Ah Cassie, you look better today, how are you feeling?" Dr Anderson asks Cassie
Cassie goes on to describe how shes feeling which consists of feeling weak, nauseous, light headed at times and overall just feeling exhausted she also informed him she had eaten this morning and slowly feels as though her appetite is coming back, he asks if she is drinking water and keeping it down and she informs him she has been today, so overall to me it seems she may have had food poisoning or something along them lines.
"Great, well I'm going to check your blood pressure, temperature, sugar levels and I'm wanting to take a blood sample aswell as an urine test if that's ok with you" Dr Anderson states rather than asks
"That's fine" cassie says and I squeeze her hand to let her know shes in the best hands right now and I'm by her side always.

Dr Anderson starts by pricking her finger with a round piece of equipment that holds several needles just like he did at our apartment to check her sugar levels, he then writes something on a scrap peice of paper and continues to write things down after each test he takes.
"Now all the tests are done it's up to you whether youd like to wait until I receive them all back or come back around 1.30pm to see me and we can discuss the results then?" Dr Anderson says
"Were come back, come on Cass I'll get us some lunch. Thanks Doc" I say
I shake the doctors hand then Cassie follows suit and we leave the surgery.

We arrive at MummaGs obviously and order our favourite choice of food along side a Pepsi each.
"Hope we get back to the doctors in time" Cass says checking her watch
"We have plenty of time babe, relax" I reassure Cassie.
I watch Cassie devour her food like her life depends on it I guess I should have brought her to MummaGs when we first got home from our holiday
"Nice Cass?" I ask with a light chuckle
"I'm sooooo glad my appetite is back I miss food. I'm suddenly starving" Cassie says before taking a gulp of her Pepsi
"I can see that" I laugh
We sit for a while laughing and talking, cassie seems much more herself today and I'm so relieved I've never seen Cass ill enough to refuse food and to see her not eating or drinking day after day was hard I was at a complete loss on what to do and how to help.

Once again we was sitting in the waiting area of the doctors surgery waiting to be called by Dr Anderson, only this time Cassie seemed a little more nervous fiddling with her hands in her lap I guess knowing shes about to get answers to whatever wrong makes her a little apprehensive i know I'm feeling that way anyway. Pulling me from my thoughts the electronic strip bleeps displaying its Cassies turn to be seen


Again I light knock on the door and the voice telling us to come in bellows from the other side, we sit were we was before and wait for Dr Anderson to tell us what's going on.
"Afternoon, so we have all the results back, your iron is a little on the low side and I will give you something for that, everything else seemed normal your blood pressure is normal for someone who's carrying a tiny human being" Dr Anderson informs us with a smile. My mouth drops to the floor my eyes wide did he say a tiny human being? does that mean Cass is pregnant?
"I'm pregnant?" Cass asks her voice sounds as surprised as I'm feeling
"You sure are congratulations" Dr Anderson says calmly
We leave the doctors surgery in a bit of a daze well I do anyways I dont know what Cass is thinking I havent asked and we didnt speak on the ride home it was more of a comfortable silence because we were both lost in our own thoughts trying to process the fact we are gonna be parents. I mean I always hoped we would have kids together one day I just didnt think it would be soon am I even ready to be a dad?

Shit I'm gonna be a dad!
We enter the apartment and Cass slumps in the sofa, I head for the kitchen and make Cass a coffee and myself a tea and then join her on the sofa
"How do you feel about being pregnant?" I ask Cass reluctantly because if I'm being honest I'm petrified that shes unhappy about this.
"Honestly I'm kind of shocked Ry I wasnt expecting that at all, we've been careful" which we have but clearly not careful enough "I'm excited I mean this is the beginning of a whole new world for us both and I'm glad I'll be doing this with you, I'm petrified to thou like I'm gonna be a mum. Fuck Ryan I'm gonna be a mum!" She says all different emotions showing in her beautiful eyes. I wrap my arms around her snuggling her into my chest
"I'm glad it's with you too babe and I no I'm scared to but together we will be amazing and I no your be an amazing mum anyways" I reassure her.
The prospect of being a dad to a tiny little human whose whole life depends on me not fucking up is daunting but I believe what I'm telling Cassie, it's not just me saying what she wants to hear it's me saying what I think, that together we will be amazing doing this parenting thing.
"I love you" cass says softly planting a kiss on my jaw
"I love you too" I replie
"So Dr Anderson said I'd only be around 7weeks pregnant and the scan wont be until I'm like 12weeks. I no there is them midwife appointments in between but I think we should keep this between us until we actually see our little baby on the scan and know all is well babe that ok?" Cassie states rather than asks and to be honest I completely agree Dr Anderson mentioned something along the lines of the first trimester rest and no stress etc so keeping it between us is probably a good idea and it will be nice to be in our own little bubble for a while.
"Yeah I agree babe" I assure her I'm on side I'm with her all the way through this and life after this.

Heyyy Everyone!!

Thanks for reading!

So Cassie's pregnant😱

Will it all work out well for Cassie and Ryan?

Will the pregnancy run smoothly?

Is Mac gone for good?

See use in the next chapter😉

Dont forget to comment and hit the vote button ⭐

Toni xx

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