Chapter Fifteen

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I wake to the sound of Cassie's phone bleeping indicating she has a message I pull her closer to me and inhale her scent feeling extremely satisfied I'll go to sleep and wake up to this every day as long as Cass will have me. Her phone bleeps two more times I figure it must be important as it's never normally going off this much in the morning so I nudge her awake
"Cass, Cass" i say softly
"Mmm" she replies
"Your phone has messages quite a few by the sounds of it I think you should check" I say
She sits up rubs her eyes, stretches and reaches for the phone. As she reads the messages her face drains of all colour,
"What isit?" I ask.
She doesn't answer me she just hands me the phone

I no I made mistakes I'm sorry

I can change. Please come home I miss you

Cassie! Answer my god damn texts! I said sorry and that I miss u what more do you want?!

What a cheek is my first initial thought and I cant lie and say it doesn't scare me that Cass could go back to him she loved him and he manipulated her beyond belief even though deep down I believe she wouldnt it dont stop them thoughts from occurring. I can feel Cassie's eyes boring into me
"How do you feel about them messages babe?" I say handing Cass back her phone. She locks it and places it on the night table before lowering herself back down on the pillow
"Honestly, it's weird half of me feels nothing then the other half feels angry" she says calmly
"Angry?" I question
"Yeah like who the fuck does he think he is, he dont own me I dont have to replie yet he believes and always has that I need to do as he says well not no more fuck him. Besides I've got you, I'm happy more than I've been in a long time and he ain't ruining anymore of my life Ry I wont stand for it" she exclaims
I cant lie it's nice to have that reassurance but deep down I think I knew he didnt stand a chance with her and not because of me but because she realised what he was, what he was doing and most importantly she remembered her value, her worth and exactly what she deserves and I admire her for it. I planted a soft kiss on her lips and said
"You've always got me beautiful"
She kissed me back the kiss became more intense more passionate and I wasted no time pulling my shirt she was wearing over her head, I continued kissing her whilst caressing her breasts and she let out a small moan. I began leaving trails of soft wet kisses from her lips, down her neck and around her breasts before tugging at her nipple a little with my teeth. Her back arched and I took my opportunity to slide her little black thongs off, she instantly opened her legs and let me between them i pulled my boxers off breaking the kiss as little as possible, when they were completely off I smashed my lips against Cassies softly and passionately whilst I entered her, she moaned out in pleasure, we stayed in a tight embrace kissing slowly, i stroked her hair and paid attention to every part of her until we finally climaxed together. We lay there panting, I pull cass in close lightly brushing my fingers up and down the side of her body until she completely come down from her orgasm, to me this was the most important part because after a guy orgasms he can pretty much just fall asleep but a woman stays aroused for a whole 60minutes after climaxing and as her man it's my duty to make sure she feels as much wanted, loved, desired etc now as she did before we started to make love. I can see her eyelids grow heavy and I can feel mine getting heavy too
"I love you Cassie" I say softly
"I love you too, so much Ryan" she replies with a sleepy smile, I dont think I'll ever get used to hearing them words from her lips. We both let the feeling of tiredness, satisfaction and love over take us and fall asleep cuddled together in a tight embrace. So long as I've got Cassie I know she will have us!

We wake to the sound of Nial and Leigh talking away in the living room, I almost forgot they was here, we head out of bed and join them
"Well good morning use two" Leigh smirked
"Morning" I reply raising an eyebrow
"Morning guys" Cassie says smiling.
We all sit on the sofa after making our coffees and teas and after a couple of seconds and I mean a couple of seconds Leigh says
"Ok spill"
Me, Cass and Nial all give her a questioning look
"Spill what?" Nial asks Leigh
"Oh they know" Leigh says gazing in mine and Cassie's direction
"Beats me" I say holding my hands up and looking at Nial.
Cassie doesn't say nothing she just drops her gaze down to her hands which are cupping her hot cup of coffee
"I fucking knew it!" Leigh shouts
"What are you on about?" Nial asks, I'm relieved to know I ain't the only one confused.
"Ry, let me speak with you a second in private" Cass says guiding me into the kitchen by my hand.
"Ok I dont know how, maybe she heard us, maybe we've just made it obvious but Leigh knows where together" Cassie explains
"Course she dont, come on" I say pulling Cassie back into the living room brushing off her comment, how could Cassie think Leigh knows just by a few comments which made no sense at all.
Leigh gives us a smirk and raises her eyebrow
"I'm right ain't i" she smiles
Nial looks completely baffled.
Ok maybe the comments Leigh was saying before is some girl thing that clearly me and Nial missed completely.
"Ok maybe you're right, I'll follow your lead" I whisper to Cass letting her know if she wants to tell Nial and Leigh about us that's absolutely fine and on the same hand if she doesn't that's absolutely fine to. Cass nods at me acknowledging what I've said and turns to Leigh
"What isit you think you no?" Cass asks Leigh laughing
"That you and Ryan have took your relationship to a whole new level" Leigh says way to excited
"Oh behave Leigh" Nial laughs
"Well actually Leigh's spot on" Cassie says grabbing hold of my hand and giving it a squeeze. I cant lie I feel ecstatic right now hearing it said out loud for the world to know makes it seem even more real.
"Omg, I new it! When? How? Omg" Leigh says excitedly smacking her hands together like a kid in a toy shop being granted permission to get whatever toy they want its comical really is. Nial looks shocked I guess he thought i would have told him.

We spent the morning filling Nial and Leigh in on how our friendship became more than a friendship and to say they was shocked would be quite an understatement but we expected that. They said their happy for us and wished us all the happiness in the world it was nice knowing we had the blessing of two of the most closest people to us however, we did tell them to stay tight lipped as nobody else knows. Before I knew it lunch time was approaching so me and Cass headed to the bedroom to get ready and Nial and Leigh had left for plans of their own.

Me and Cass sat in MummaGs obviously, eating our pizza and talking about the future it was an incredible feeling. We spoke about going on holiday soon, how it will feel weird for Cass when she tries on a wedding dress because I wont be there this time and shes used to telling me or showing me everything important in her life because I'm her greatest friend but this time would be so different because I'll be the man shes marrying, we even spoke about what our kids would look like. Cassie's phone pings and she slumps in her chair looking suddenly exhausted
"Hey, what isit?" I ask Cass
She hands me the phone.

Cassie come on this is getting boring now

I look at Cass and ask softly
"You want me to put an end to this?" And to my surprise she nods in response giving me the go ahead so I hit the reply button.

Cassie wont be coming back to u not now not ever. I no it must pain u to accept ur no longer in control of her life since she took all her power back. Now she lays in bed with me, not having to worry when the next argument will be. So do yourself a favour accept u lost a good woman and fuck off. One more text or any problems from you Mac I WILL contact the police with no hesitation in fact I'll take great pleasure in doing so Ryan!

I hit the send button and pass Cass her phone back
"Any more let me no" I say smiling, she is clearly reading the message i sent as her eyes lock onto her phone screen before looking up at me
"I love you" she says with a smile
"Ditto baby" i wink.
"I think we need to tell your parents pretty soon now Ry" Cass laughs
I shake my head and laugh in reply
"Yeah think that's a good idea"
Hopefully that's the last we hear of Mac but I doubt it a narcissist with a bruised ego is never a good thing but Cass knows I've got her back from now till the end of time, shes a strong woman and going through what shes gone through with Mac and then coming out stronger than before just shows how much strength she really has.

Hey Everyone!!

Thanks so much for reading, I hope use are enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying writing it!!

So has Ryan put Mac in his place or is this the start of a disaster? 🤷‍♀️

Aww their talking about marriage and babies!😍

Will their dreams together come true or does fate have something else in store for them?

Keep reading guys!

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Toni xx

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