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In which you talk over hot chocolate

It was another one of those nights. I got out of bed, groggily and made my way to the compound's kitchen to make myself some hot chocolate.

I stared out the frosty window at the snow that was falling from the sky. As a kid, I never experienced playing in the snow with other children. My fire powers kept me from being able to play outside and be a normal kid.

I was kept inside, forced to control my powers. Abused if I didn't, slightly rewarded if I did. The memories of what my guardians did to me as a child forced my eyes away from the window just as Steve Rogers walked into the kitchen sporting the same blanket around his shoulder that I had.

"Y/n?" He asked surprised. "It's 3am, what are you doing up so early?"

"Making hot chocolate." I answered. "How about you?"

He walked over to me. "I came to do the same thing. What a coincidence."

He gave me that small smile he always had. It was so easy to get lost in his crystal blue eyes that were staring back at me with nothing but simplicity.

I longed for simplicity.

"Want me to make you a cup?" I offered. "I have enough for two."

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

We stood in comfortable silence, our minds too busy to care that there was another person in the room. I wanted to know what was keeping the amazing Captain America awake at night.

I fixed both of our cups and handed Steve his. He thanked me and took a sip, not even decorating it with marshmallows.

"No marshmallows?" I asked.

"That stuff's for kids." He answered.

"I guess I'm a kid then." I filled my cup to the brim with marshmallows and finally took a sip of my chocolate.

"Let's go." He said and started to walk out of the kitchen. I followed him into the living area where he sat on the couch and offered the seat next to me.

I sat down, my muscles relaxing into the cushion, my body finally feeling tired.

"So besides the hot chocolate," Steve said as he put his mug on the coffee table in front of us. "What's keeping you up, Y/n?"

I thought about me waking out of my sleep, feeling like I'm choking. My heart feeling like it's going to beat out of my chest and my lungs burning. Just as fast as it happened, it went away. But I knew it'd be back.

It always comes back. I won't ever escape the torture my adoptive parents put me through.

"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He said.

"I'd rather not." I answered, not being able to look at him.

"It's okay to not be okay all the time." He lifted my chin and stared at me with those beautiful blue orbs. "The important thing is that you're okay now. And that it's possible to move on."

"Is it?" I asked.

He didn't answer. My heart rate increased in speed at the way he was staring at me. Bucky and Nat had always told me that Steve looked at me a certain way, but I'd never seen it until now.

A sudden surge in confidence allowed me to lean in and land a soft kiss on his lips. When I leaned back, he looked at me with an unreadable expression. I suddenly regretted kissing him and felt the need to apologize.

"Steve, that was-" he cut me off.

"Amazing." He answered.

His lips crashed into mine and I was taken aback for a second before I kissed back. His lips were soft and warm and fit perfectly on mine. His hand held the back of my neck and mine were on his hard chest.

"Fucking finally!" Someone exclaimed from the doorway, resulting in us separating. Bucky and Nat stood there, smirks on there faces.

"Thanks for ruining the moment." Steve facepalmed himself, making me giggle.

"That's our job." Nat spoke and both adults walked over to the couch to sit on either side of us.

"Ooh hot chocolate." Nat smiled and grabbed my mug.

Bucky grabbed Steve's mug and they both took sips out of them. This may have been funny, but at the time I wanted to smack both of them.

Steve grabbed my hand and led me away from the living room where Buck and Nat were protesting us leaving.

"What a bunch of narcs." Was the last thing we heard Bucky say before they were out of ear shot.

"What a bunch of cockblockers." Steve muttered before we got to the elevator.

"Steven!" I exclaimed, which he chuckled at.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." He laughed.

"Sure, Rogers."



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