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In which you're upset so he comforts you with sweet words

I was in the training room, punching a punching bag, angry over the decisions made at a mission held earlier. We were trying to catch these hydra agents that had stolen some top secret information from Shield headquarters.

I saw the guys leaving, I could've stopped them myself. Maybe I would've gotten myself hurt because it's me against four guys, but I could've at least slowed them down a bit to give time for my team to catch up.

Of course, Tony not thinking that I can handle anything by myself, he told me to let them go because he doesn't want me to get hurt.

Get hurt?! What am I? A child? I may be new to the team but I should be trusted to put down a couple of guys.

I punched the punching bag right off the chain and it landed across the room.

"Nice punch you got there." My boyfriend of four months, Steve's voice rang as he walked into the training room.

He walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before setting up another bag for me and standing on the other side to hold it in place while I punch it.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" He asked.

"Fine." I told him and continued to punch the bag.

"You don't seem fine." He said and pulled the bag out of reach so that I punched at air. I looked at him with a scowl, needing something to get my anger out on.

"Talk to me." He looked at me with those pretty blue eyes and I could've given into him right there. I unwrapped my sore knuckles and hugged his waist, not quite ready to talk yet.

His strong arms wrapped around me and squeezed while his left hand rubbed circles along my back.

"Not ready to talk?" He asked, his chest vibrating as he chuckled.

I simply shook my head and closed my eyes. As much as I wanted to resist and keep up my hard facade and seem emotionless, Steve turned me into putty. All it took was a look into his beautiful blue orbs and all that hardness faded away.

"You make it all go away." I told him and I felt myself giving into him more and more.

He said nothing, which made me look up at him. He already had his eyes on me and he smiled when our eyes met. I rested my chin on his chest and he kissed my forehead.

Our eyes met again and I could feel my heart about to explode. Something about Steve looking at me the way he does just ignites something in me. It's like my feelings for him just get deeper and deeper every single day.

"Y/n," he spoke, still watching me.

"Hm?" I answered as more of a sigh.

"I love you."

That was his first time telling me. My lips slightly parted in shock and my heart rate increased even more. I can't believe he finally said it. I thought about whether or not I felt the same and realized that I didn't even have to think about it.

I just knew.

"I love you too, Stevie." I smiled.

His arms that held me let go and his hands found the sides of my face. He pulled me in for a sweet kiss. His soft lips melted into mine as they always do. His right hand left my cheek and pulled me in by my waist.

Nothing felt better than this right here. Our lips parted and Steve just watched me for a second.

"What?" I asked, my smile never leaving my lips.

"Say it again." He requested.

"I love you."

"I love you too."



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