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"Not like that!" An old woman hissed, taking the frosting bag from her granddaughter's hands.

"Gram!" The young woman protested, "It looks just fine!"

"That's not good enough, Hilda!"

"Am I interrupting something?" A tall, green haired man asked. He hovered in the doorway, waiting for an "OK" from either of the women at the counter.

Hilda furrowed her eyebrows, "Cilan? What are you doing here?"

Cilan awkwardly walked inside the small pastry shop and to the counter, "Well I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Please do," Hilda's grandmother sighed, frosting the cake in nearly the exact same fashion Hilda had been, "She's always in my way, this one."

Hilda rolled her eyes and wiped her hands on her apron. She strolled into the small dining area and sat Cilan down at one of the few tables. She sat across from him and leaned back in her chair.

"What's up?" She asked.

Cilan leaned forward in his seat, "Well we just recently had to fire out pastry chef back at the restaurant-"

"You guys don't make your own desserts?" Hilda asked in disbelief.

Cilan frowned slightly, "We may know our way around a risotto, but ask us how to bake a pie and we're clueless."

"Okay..." Hilda mumbled, "What's this all gotta do with me?"

"Chili mentioned that you worked here with your grandmother and that you really know how to make a mean dessert."


"...Do you really not see where I'm going with this?"

"No I do- I just want you to say it."

Cilan chuckled, "We want you to be our new pastry chef, Hilda."

Hilda grinned, "Wow this is so unexpected!"

Cilan rolled his eyes, "So?"

Hilda frowned, "Sorry grandma needs me he-"


Hilda groaned and turned around, "But Gram-!"

"Get some real experience. Create your own menu- do things your way. Quit messing up stuff here!"

Hilda turned back to Cilan and sighed, "I promise she's nice outside of the kitchen."

Cilan laughed, "I get it. Believe it or not, Cress is a nightmare in the kitchen."

Hilda let out an exasperated laugh and looked up at the grasshead, "Know what? I'm in."

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