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(A/N. So here's an unfinished writing

Don't know if I'll ever finish it

So here)

"Z-Zorua!" Rosa exclaimed, chasing her Pokémon through the city, "Get back here!"

Zorua continued running forward, giving the mischievous laugh the Trickster Pokémon was known for.

"YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Rosa yelled. She stopped dead in her tracks to see dozens of people staring at her. A few parents covered their children's ears.

Rosa laughed nervously, muttered a "Sorry" and continued the chase. She followed her Pokémon to the amusement park that surrounded the Pokémon Gym. The area was flooded with people, and Zorua could be anywhere, or even any one of those people.

"Great..." Rosa mumbled, "Juuuust great!"

"That little asshole is a pain in my ass..." She whispered, trudging through the sea of people.

Apologizing to every person she stepped around, bumped into, or squeezed in between, Rosa made her way through the crowd. She began to worry as she neared the end of the small park. As she reached the large ferris wheel that lived near the woods, Rosa scanned the area for a trace of her Pokémon, and sighed in relief and frustration upon seeing it. Her Pokémon was in the arms of a tall stranger in line for the Ferris wheel.

"Zorua!" Rosa exclaimed angrily, rushing over to the man with her Pokémon.

Zorua turned at the sound of its name and rolled its eyes.

Upon reaching the Pokémon and the man holding it, Rosa pointed a finger at the small Pokémon, "You little shit! You can't just keep running off, doing your own little Zorua stuff in Zorua land!"

Zorua yawned as his trainer rambled, having heard this rant a thousand times. He ran away a lot.

"What if one of these times you get hurt and I can't find you? Ever think of that?"

"Are you going to continue to pretend that I am not here?" The man holding Zorua asked.

Rosa crossed her arms and finally addressed the man, "Um...No?"

"Do you really address your Pokémon in this manner?" He asked.

"Not all of them," Rosa confirmed, "Him though? Yes. He does this all the time! With no concern for anyone!"

The man looked down at the Pokémon and frowned, "You really should not do that."

Zorua looked hurt that his seemingly newfound friend had betrayed him. He pouted.

The man looked at Rosa, "You shouldn't yell at him."

Rosa frowned, "Okay, who are you and who's side are you on?"

"My name is N."


Rosa thought she'd heard the name before but couldn't place it. Zorua must've sensed his trainer's confusion and hugged N dramatically.

"Ohhhh," Rosa said, "You were his previous trainer."

N chuckled, "I would not say I was his trainer, but we do know each other."

Rosa frowned, "I see."

Zorua rolled his eyes and jumped towards his trainer who caught him instinctively. He nuzzled her face.

"Ugh. I always forget how cute you are..." Rosa grumbled, "Quit making me forgive you!"

Zorua continued to nuzzle his trainer's face.

"Fiiiine! I guess I forgive you..." Rosa grumbled.

Zorua smirked and giggled.

"But I'm benching you for the rest of the week."

Zorua's jaw dropped. He gave Rosa a "How could you?" look.

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