Some things never change

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(A/N. As usual, I didn't edit this)

Samurott scratched at the front door.

"I am absolutely not going outside!" Gray shrieked, hiding in a bundle of blankets.

Samurott grunted.

"I know I promised, but it's freezing!"

Samurott rolled his eyes and ripped the blankets away from his trainer. Gray screamed in response, earning a "SHUT UP" from his upstairs neighbor.

"Sammy!" Gray hissed, "It's cold in here!"

Samurott gave Gray a look of disapproval.

Gray pouted, "Fine," he grunted, "But I'm gonna complain the whole time!"

Samurott smirked and sat by the door. Gray stood up from his couch and went into the closet. He pulled out his heaviest winter coat and put it on. Samurott rolled his eyes. His trainer is so ridiculous!

Gray's face suddenly lit up like he remembered something and rushed to his room.

"I'm going out!" He chirped.

"'Kay..." A boy with dark blue hair grumbled, snuggling deep into his covers, "Say hi for me."

"Love you!"

"Love you too..."

Gray closed the door quietly and rushed back to the front door. He took a deep breath, "Let's go."


Juniper hugged her arms for warmth as she and her Sawsbuck trudged through Nacrene City. The wind blew in their faces, but Sawsbuck didn't seem to mind.

They entered the Nacrene Museum and Juniper shuddered.

"It's freezing out there!"

Sawsbuck shook his head and placed his on top of Juniper's.

Juniper smiled, "Cute."

Juniper realized her palms were sweating and rubbed them on her pants.

Sawsbuck lowered his head and frowned.

"I'm not nervous," Juniper denied, "You're nervous."

A blonde appeared on the second floor. She noticed Juniper and waved at her.

Juniper began sweating more, "Okay I'm nervous..." she squeaked, "But who wouldn't be?"

Sawsbuck tilted his head and nearly fell over.

Juniper sighed, "Careful! Don't knock anything over, clumsy!"

The blonde suddenly appeared next to Juniper with a heavy winter jacket on.

"Hi Juni! Ready to go?" She chirped.

Juniper flinched a bit, "Oh um...yeah."

"You okay?"


The blonde beamed, "Okay! Let's get going then!"


Illusion quickly tied his shoes. He stood up from the bed and stretched, searching for his shirt. Frowning, he mimicked taking it off and tossing it.

On top of the dresser? He thought, Of course...

He reached for his shirt and threw it on. He went to open the door when-

"You're leaving?

He froze.

Fuck. She's a light sleeper

Illusion turned to the girl sitting on the bed. She rubbed her eyes and yawned.


"'ll text me though?"

"Sure!" Illusion lied.

He quickly left her room. He found his jacket and exited her apartment as quickly as he could. As he was walking through the apartment building hallway, a Zorua appeared at his feet.

"How was she?" She asked.

Illusion groaned and zipped up his jacket, "Not worth the headache she's gonna give me."


Illusion picked up the fox Pokémon and rushed out of the building. He walked briskly through the streets until he reached a cafe. He entered and scanned the room. He found his siblings and one other sitting at a booth in the back. He walked over and collapsed on the seat next to his little brother.

"Good time last night?" Gray asked, sipping his coffee.

"No," Illusion grunted, "Not only was she bad, but she's clingy."

"You're gross." Juniper scoffed. She took a sip of orange juice and frowned. She stared down at the orange liquid and whispered, "Pulp..."

The girl next to Juniper frowned and took a sip of her orange juice. She switched it with Juniper's. Juniper nearly cried.

"Yes I know I'm gross and should be ashamed but I don't care." Illusion sighed, bopping the nose of the Pokémon in his lap.

Gray pointed to an extra cup, "There's your juice, Illusion."

Illusion beamed, "Nice! Apple juice!"

"A five year old I tell you..." Juniper mumbled.

Gray took one of the water glasses and handed it to Zorua. She grabbed it with her bright red paws and lapped up the water inside.

The waiter came by and took everyone's order.

"How's Danny?" Illusion asked.

Gray smiled, "Good! We're good! Good!"

Illusion blinked, "Good..."

"Good..." Juniper mumbled.

"Is everything not good?" The girl next to Juniper asked.

"Of course not, Ellie!" Gray chirped, "I mean he's mad right now because I hog the blankets, but he'll get over it."

Ellie brought her drink to her lips, "I'm still not over it..."

Juniper frowned.


Illusion looked over his shoulder.

"What's up?" Gray asked.

Illusion furrowed his eyebrows together, "I dunno...thought I heard my name."

"Maybe you're finally going crazy!"

Illusion glared at his brother.

"Or not..."

For the rest of the time they spent together, Illusion couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched. He hoped it wouldn't last long.

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