An N writing!

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(A/N. Sin warning! I blushed a lot and will probably regret this in the morning but here we aaaarrreeee!)

N groaned and flopped down on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling and took a deep breath.

"Everything okay, N?"

N turned to see his girlfriend looking at him curiously. She was wearing one of his white shirts and gray sweatpants, and her brown hair trickled down over her shoulders.

"Nothing," N sighed, returning his gaze to the ceiling, "I am just hot."

Hilda raised an eyebrow, "Really? I'm freezing."

N sat up and threw his shirt off. Hilda blushed at the sight of N's chest and looked away.

"Better?" She asked.

N laid back down and let out a huff, "No."

N felt Hilda's eyes on him, and not in a good way. She was examining him, trying to figure out what was going on with him. Her freezing blue eyes searched him for any type of answer, but she would look away the lower she got, as if she was embarrassed to look any further.

N groaned and sat up, sick of Hilda's eyes all over him. He turned his back to her.

Hilda frowned and reached out to touch him, "N are you-"

When Hilda's fingertips touched him, N pulled away swiftly. He stood up just as quickly and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I think I am going to sleep on the couch tonight."

"Natural Harmonia Gropius you will not be sleeping on the couch."

N sighed and took his hair out of its usual ponytail. He turned back towards his girlfriend who was sitting on her knees at the edge of the bed in front of him. Her arms were crossed and she was frowning and glaring at him.

"Okay." N sighed.

The girl in front of him relaxed, "You know you can tell me if something is bugging you."

Your clothes are bugging me

"Yes I am aware."

Hilda put her hands on N's arms, "Anything that bugging you we can face together! Right Lord N?" She teased.

Hilda felt a shudder go through N's body. The light in his eyes became duller and his voice became deeper, "What did you call me?"

Hilda frowned, "What?"

N took Hilda by the wrists, "What was it that you called me?"

"Lord N...?"

N suddenly pushed Hilda into the bed and pressed himself against her. He nuzzled and kissed her neck as he kept her pinned down.

Hilda chuckled as her ears grew hot and pleasure surged through her, "If I knew it was this easy to get you on top of me I would've done it ages ago."

"Don't talk." N growled.

"Yes my Lord." She teased.

"You are in so much trouble."

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