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(A/N. Is this edited? OF COURSE NOT)

"What are these two still doing awake?" Hilda asked her husband.

The two young children that were sitting on the couch quickly scurried underneath a large blanket.

Hilda's husband smiled innocently, "Whatever do you mean, my love?"

"Natural Harmonia Gropius, why are Juniper and Gray still awake?" Hilda asked again.

A young girl appeared from one end of the blanket, "Daddy was telling us a story!"

A boy with silver eyes appeared from the other side, "Yeah! It was cool!"

A teenage boy appeared from the hallway. He saw his mother and went to creep back into his room.

"Illusion," She said, "Come here."

Illusion cringed and came back into the living room, "I just came to get some water!" He said, holding up an empty glass, "I'm thirsty!"

Hilda rolled her eyes and nodded her head towards the kitchen. Illusion smiled and rushed into the kitchen to get water.

"What story are you telling them?" Hilda asked, sitting next to her children on the black couch.

N was silent for awhile, "The...story of the Hero of Ideals..."

Hilda smirked and raised an eyebrow, "Oh? How does that story go?"

Illusion came back into the living room. He saw the family all together, and felt left out. He leaned over the back of the couch and ruffled his younger brother's hair.

Gray frowned up at his brother and Juniper gasped in delight, "Tell it again, Daddy!"

N smiled, "Alright," he said, "When your mother and I were on our journeys, there was a massive threat to the people and Pokémon of Unova."

Juniper gasped, "No!"

Illusion frowned, "Didn't you just hear this story? How are you surprised?"

Hilda cleated her throat and shot her son a warning glare. Illusion decided he would shut up.

"An organization called 'Team Plasma' promised to separate people and Pokémon forever. At their helm, a trainer with unbelievable will. He preached that humans did not deserve Pokémon, and that Pokémon would be better off without humans."

"That's not true!" Gray shrieked, "People and Pokémon need each other!"

N smiled, "Yes...yes they do. But the trainer truly believed in his heart that liberation was key. Thus, the legendary Pokémon, Reshiram, chose him as the Hero of Truth."

Illusion took a sip of water, "I thought this was a story about the Hero of Ideals."

N smirked, "Look who finally cares about my stories."

Illusion blushed and mumbled something about "teenage rebellion".

N continued, "The Hero of Truth thought himself unopposed- until a trainer from the far corner of the region appeared. She believed people and Pokémon could live together in peace. She knew people did not deserve Pokémon, but by choice do they live together in harmony. So, the legendary Pokémon, Zekrom, chose her as the Hero of Ideals."

"I think I can guess what happens next," Illusion said, "People and Pokémon do still live together."

N smiled and stood up from his chair, "Yes...The Hero of Ideals prevailed in her battle with the Hero of Truth," he said, "And thank Arceus she did..."

N unwrapped his daughter and son from the large blanket, "Off to bed, now."

Gray and Juniper groaned.

"What happened to them?" Illusion asked.


"The heroes? Who are they? What happened?"

The two young children looked up at their father, "Yeah! What happened?"

N and Hilda exchanged glances, "No one knows who they are, or what happened to them."

"What?" Illusion asked, "How is that possible?"

"Well I think it's time for everyone to get to bed," Hilda interrupted, "Starting with you two goons." She teased, ruffling the young children's hair.

The children groaned and followed their mother out of the living room.

N went to put out the fire that sat gently in the stone fireplace.

"Seriously though," Illusion pressed, "No one knows what happened? Or even who they are?"

"Nope." N confirmed.

"How is that even possible? The news didn't cover it?"

"Do not dive too deep, my son," N warned, "You might drown."

"Don't spew that 'fatherly wisdom' stuff at me," Illusion grunted, "I just think that it's weird is all..."

As the fire went out, N stood up and went over to his son, " is weird."

Illusion rolled his eyes, sighed and went off into his room. N took a deep breath.

"Please don't drown yourself in the truth..."

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