I never finished this and never will

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"Ghetsis!" A voice called.

Ghetsis frowned and sighed, "I'm reading." He said, turning a page of his book.

An arm was thrown around his shoulder, "Well what I'm about to reveal to you is far better than anything you could find in a book."

"What is it, Gus?" Ghetsis yawned.

Gus smirked, "Harmony and Faith invited us to hang out with them tonight."

Ghetsis shut his book, "They did?"

"Well technically we invited them out, but yeah!"

Ghetsis frowned, "Oh."

"C'mon man!" Gus chirped, "This is a golden opportunity! They like us!"

"They like you," Ghetsis sighed, opening his book again.

"I know for a fact that Faith likes you, bro."

Ghetsis's Zweilous stirred at his feet. One of its heads continued its nap, but one looked up at Ghetsis and Gus, listening intently.

Ghetsis blushed, "You're insane."

Gus reached over and snatched his friend's book. Ghetsis groaned.

"Stop whining!" Gus chuckled, "We gotta get ready."

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