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This ain't Pokémon but I had the fuckin craziest dream last night

There was like a pirate who attacked a kingdom I was now in charge of

Well I wasn't me I was someone else but dream logic

So my two sisters and mother had just died that's why I was I charge

Again dream logic I was not me

So the pirate had a bunch of monsters and she sent them to kill me

(The citizens I ruled over all got out safely somehow)

And there was one monster

He was strange

He had four long ass human arms

But like

The rest of his body was like a black mechanical centipede

And his face was like a white mask idk how to explain it

Basically he was the most dangerous/creepiest monster in the pirates' barrage

But like the monster and I became friends

We bonded over the death of a sibling (that's how he got so misshapen something happened and he was killed and he's a ghost it's all very strange)

So he helps me kill the other ghost monster things and helps me survive the pirate trying to kill me

And we kinda fall in love?

It's weird


Like the ghost of his sibling (who just looks like a small version of him) appears and tries to kill him

And I have to kill them both for the sibling not to kill either of us

Which of course sucks because I love him

(I told you this dream is fucking crazy weird)

So I kill him and his sibling thing

And then I'm like

Shit I got all these dead bodies all around my castle

Then something happens and ghost boy appears again

We gotta kill all the ghosts again then burn their bodies for them to leave the physical world and the spiritual world

This time the ghosts aren't trying to kill me cause they're like already dead (again??? I dunno it made sense in the dream)

And with one last goodbye I burn my ghost boyfriend

Then everyone returns to the kingdom

And yay everything is fine again!


What do you think it means

Ew it was so wild

Craziest dream I've had in a long time

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