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"As you can see, here at Aether Paradise, my staff and I really do our best to make sure each Pokémon is well attended for, happy, and healthy," Gladion explained to a news anchor and his camera man, "My researchers and I are constantly researching Pokémon behavior patterns to correctly adjust to their ideal environment."

As Gladion spoke, a flock of Pikipek flew overhead. A few Igglybuff danced around, a worker and a couple Growlithe trotted by, and various other Pokémon milled about the paradise.

Gladion addressed the camera directly, "Now unfortunately, my sister Lillie has stepped down from her role as Co-President of Aether Paradise." He said glumly, "But fortunately I have hired a new Co-President, who will undoubtably be an amazing addition to our team."

A girl with dark hair appeared in frame, wearing a short white dress and a lab coat with an Aether pin pinned on it. She beamed and hugged her clipboard to her chest.

"Hey there! I'm Moon- the new Co-Prez! I've got so many new ideas to share and cannot wait to contribute to the safety and care of all the fantastic Pokémon we have here!"

The news anchor spoke, "Weren't you just Gladion's assistant?"

Moon nodded, "Yep! But I've been helping Master Gladion out here since we were kids! Plus, I've learned a whole lot from him while I was his assistant! I am certain I'll be able to take on this task!"

"Unfortunately, Master Gladion must get to some important business right now," Moon waved the camera man and the anchor in a certain direction, "But come with me and I'll show you just how amazing the Pokémon of Alola are!"


"I can't believe you called me 'Master Gladion' on National TV!" Gladion said, his voice a slightly higher pitch than usual.

"Sorry Gladi," Moon giggled, "But that's what everybody else calls you!"

"But it's different when you do it!"

Moon tugged lightly on Gladion's lab coat, "Oh yeah? Why's that?" She asked.

Gladion blushed and frowned, "You know why."

"Oh come on Master Gladion," Moon cooed, "Tell me."

Before Gladion could express the filth on his mind, his new assistant buzzed his desk side intercom. Gladion sighed and pressed a button on the device.

"Yes, Linda?" He growled.

"Remember you have a meeting in five minutes, sir."

Gladion rubbed his temples, "You're right...Thank you."

He released the button on the intercom so that his next sentence would go unheard to the woman in the next room.

He leaned down and gave Moon a long kiss.

"You're going to be punished for that later..." He whispered as he pulled away.

"Good..." Moon whispered back, clutching Gladion's coat.

As Gladion exited his office and into his meeting with the scientists, he couldn't help but wish he was up in his office with Moon instead.

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