Nighttime worries (possible trigger warning?)

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Lyra tapped her foot anxiously. She flipped through the tv channels swiftly, not caring too much about whatever what on them. She was far too worried for that.

Thunder boomed outside. The door opened.

Lyra stood up suddenly and rushed to the person walking inside, "Oh Silver!" She gasped, tackling him in a hug.

"Where have you been? I was so worried!"

Silver shrugged and dropped his keys on the floor. Lyra didn't feel him wrap his arms around her, which was strange. She looked up at him.

"Silvey? Is everything okay?"

She blinked in surprise. His eyes looked dull and dead. He pushed Lyra away, "Yeah. I'm fine." He grunted, walking into the house.

His hair was soaking wet, and his shoes squeaked as he walked on the hardwood floors. Lyra would be upset if something wasn't wrong with him. Silver took of his jacket and put it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs.

Lyra came up behind him and rubbed his shoulders, "Silvey?"

Silver shrugged Lyra off and walked into the bedroom. Lyra rushed after him, but he closed the door in her face. She frowned and opened the door to the dark room.

"Silver, talk to me!" She begged, "Please!"

Silver stripped off his shirt and pants. He climbed into bed and buried himself beneath the covers. Lyra, already being in her pajamas, had no problem crawling in next to him. His back was to her, and she sighed. She hated when he got like this. She hated when he shut her out.

"Silvey," She cooed, wrapping her arms around him, "Please..."

When he didn't react, she took a deep breath. She had an idea, which could possibly result in a huge fight. If he was too deep in his mood, her idea may make things worse.

Lyra slowly reached down and ran her fingers over Silver's arms.

"Don't touch me." He growled.

Lyra took another deep breath and held her ground. She touched the inside of his arms, ignoring his threat.

She felt one of his hands grab her wrist. He turned slightly to glare at her, "Don't. Fucking. Touch me."

His piercing glare tore a hole in her heart, but at least he was looking at her. That's all she needed.

"I love you, Silver." She said.

After a couple seconds, Lyra pulled away, turning her back to him. She closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep. The breaking of her own heart prevented it. She loved Silver so much, and seeing him hurt like this hurt so bad.

The couple laid in bed for awhile, the only audible noise being the sound of the rain hitting the window, the wind howling, and the occasional thunder booming. Every once in a while lighting would illuminate the room through the cracks in the curtains.

Just as she was going to drift off, there was movement in the bed. A set of arms wrapped around Lyra and pulled her close. Silver buried his face in her neck as he pulled her closer.

Lyra smiled softly, but it faded quickly. She hesitantly touched his arms. When he didn't pull away, she continued to run her fingers over them.

Then she heard a sniffle. She didn't turn around- he hated when she saw him cry. She took one of his hands and squeezed it tight as she felt water fall on her shoulder and neck.

"I love you, Silver," She whispered. Lyra gently ran her thumb over one of the various scars on his arm, "No matter what..."

Tears continued to run down Lyra's neck, and sobs accompanied the rain. Lyra had no idea how long it had been, or what time it was when Silver finally fell asleep. Deciding it was safe to turn around now, she slowly shifted to face him. She smiled sadly and cupped Silver's face, gently brushing away any tears that may have remained.

My beautiful broken Silver.

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