Come on!

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"C'mon!" A young boy yelled to his incredibly slow friend, "We're gonna miss it!"

The boy's friend huffed and puffed as he chased him, "W-We can't watch it...if I DIE FROM RUNNING!"

The faster boy rolled his eyes, "Quit wasting your breath yellin' at me, then!"

The fast boy rushed to open his front door. He left it open for his friend who straggled inside a few moments later. His friend collapsed on the living room couch.

"I'm dead."

"You needa run more." The boy said, pressed the channel buttons on the tv.

"Shut up."

The boys' Pokémon hobbled in the doorway, collapsing upon entering.

The faster brown haired boy finally found the channel he was searching for and found a seat next to his friend on the couch.

"You're lucky we didn't miss it!"

"It doesn't start for five more minutes..."

The brown haired boy looked over to the collapsed Pokémon on the floor, "Hey! Shut the door!"

The Zorua on the floor growled and got up. It used its snout to shut the door. It padded back over to the Deino on the floor and collapsed on top of it.

"Guuuuusssss." The tired boy complained.

The brown haired boy turned, "Ghetsisssss...What?"

"Do you have fruit snacks?"


Ghetsis stood up, "I'm gonna look."

"But you're gonna miss it!" Gus gasped.

Ghetsis looked at the tv. He recognized the incredibly long law commercial on the screen.

"I think I'll take my chances." He said, going into his friend's kitchen in search of fruit snacks.

"If you find any bring me some!" Gus called after him.

"I'm bored!"

"Go take a nap or something, then." Gus said, slouching into his couch. His partner Pokémon, Zorua, appeared on the arm of the couch.

"But that's boring!" Zorua complained, "I wanna do something fun!"

"Go play with Deino!"

Zorua scrunched up its nose, "Deino doesn't like to play!"

"Not my problem!"

"I found fruit snacks!" Ghetsis chirped, chucking a packet at Gus's face.

Zorua reacted quickly, jumping and catching the packet in his mouth. He handed the snack to his trainer.

"I demand entertainment."

"Don't we all..." Ghetsis grumbled, sinking into the couch next to Gus. Deino appeared at Ghetsis's feet. Ghetsis opened the fruit snack packet and gave Deino a red snack.

Zorua demanded a blue snack from his trainer, and Gus refused, due to the fact that blue fruit snacks are far superior to any other color.

Gus suddenly took Ghetsis by one shoulder and shook him, "It's starting!"

About five minutes into the program, Ghetsis realized the thing his best friend made him run four blocks for was a midday talk show. A guest spoke about battle strategies and how to build the best team of Pokémon.

Ghetsis found it dreadfully boring. But Gus was completely enthralled in it, so Ghetsis bit back any remarks about how boring it was.

The things he did for friendship.

(A/N. Hi it's me: Your local trash! This is unedited so don't be mean to me

K thx bai!)

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