Oh a thing?

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Cinccino scurried through the library, a thin book in her mouth. She brought it to her anxious trainer, who was sitting at a table. The table was covered with books and various pieces of paper.

Cinccino handed her trainer the book she had. Hilda skimmed through it, finding nothing of particular interest.

"Hilda?" A voice called.

Hilda didn't look up from her various open books. Her hair was in an incredibly messy bun, and she wore a black hoodie over her white tank top. The sleeves of the hoodie were pushed up to her elbows.

"Lenora told me you're going crazy in here," Cheren said, taking a seat next to his friend, "What're you looking for?"

"Anything!" Hilda screeched.

Cheren's eyes scrolled over the words on Hilda's books, "What're you doing researching those old legends?"

Hilda groaned, "Don't get me started."

Cheren picked up one of the books, "How many of these have you read?"

"What does it look like?" Hilda hissed, rubbing her temples.

"Okay..." Cheren mumbled, "I think you've gone over to the bad place..."

"Ya think?!"

Cheren stood up and offered Hilda his hand, "Let's get you some coffee. Maybe a shower, too."

"Haha." Hilda said dryly, taking Cheren's hand.

Her friend pulled her up from her seat. He pulled her away from the table and out of Lenora's library. Cinccino followed close behind.

As Hilda and Cheren walked through the museum portion of the building, Hilda stopped abruptly.

"Did you hear that?" Hilda asked.

Cheren stopped and listened. He shook his head, "Man, you're really going crazy."


Hilda whipped herself around. Her blue eyes scanned the museum floor.

Over here

Her eyes landed on a perfectly round black stone. Something clicked in her mind.

She grinned, "It's you."

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