Stone of Truth

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(A/N. I didn't really edit this reee here)

Illusion put his hands on his knees and narrows his eyes at a display case, "What's this?"

A girl with blonde hair tied in an incredibly messy bun bounded over, "Oh that's-"

"-Cool." Illusion grunted, standing up straight and walking away.

Juniper tugged on her older brother's hair, "Will you stop being a douche for once in your life?"

"Impossible." Illusion said.

"That's okay Juni!" The blonde chirped, "He's just salty."

"Ellie!" A voice yelled.

Juniper, Illusion, and Ellie turned to the youngest Harmonia. He was staring at a case covered by a sheet.

Ellie's eyes lit up, "Oh!" She chirped, rushing to her girlfriend's brother, "That is the star of our show!"

She threw the sheet off of the glass case. Resting on a podium in the case was a pure white stone. It was perfectly round and had symmetrical grooves in it.

Juniper strolled over, "What is it?"

Illusion tuned out whatever Ellie was going to say. Something about the stone pulled him in. It felt familiar- like an old friend he couldn't quite recognize.

Illusion slowly walked over to the glass case. He reached out to touch it, out Ellie slapped his hand.

"Don't smudge the glass!" She scolded.

When Illusion didn't react, everyone exchanged glances.

"Illusion?" Juniper said.

The youngest Harmonia, Gray, waved a hand in front of his brother's face.

Illusion shook his head, "What?"

Everyone sighed, "What happened?" Gray asked.

Illusion raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" He asked. He looked down at his hand, "Why does my hand hurt?"

Ellie blushed, "Sorry."

Illusion scratched his chest, "Sorry for what?"

Juniper rolled her eyes, "Nothing."

Gray saw something else of interest and rushed towards it. Ellie and Juniper followed close at his heels, and Illusion followed far behind them.

Where are you going?

Illusion froze.

Come back

Illusion turned his head towards the voice. Juniper noticed her brother's hesitation.

"Are you okay? You're being weird."

You know me

"I don't." Illusion said.

You just don't know that you do

Juniper strolled over and put her hand on Illusion's forehead, "Seriously? Are you okay?"

Illusion shook his head, "Yeah I'm okay," he said. He smirked and wrapped an arm around Juniper's shoulders, "Aww are you worried about me? I didn't know you cared!"

Juniper rolled her eyes, "I don't anymore."

She and Illusion chuckled and walked away.

I'll see you soon

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