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So I'm gonna give some background about the Ferriswheel kiddos and their lives so you know what's going on in the writings

Illusion Z. Harmonia-Gropius: Resident Joey Tribbiani (aka guy who likes sex and food). N taught him to speak Pokémon so he can do that. His partner is a Zorua who he rehabilitated. She (the Zorua) will sometimes use her ability to make herself look human to get illusion out of certain situations (avoiding exes, not wanting to talk to anybody, etc.). Growing up, Illusion had the same nightmare of his parents fighting over and over. His mother eventually caught him a Musharna who eats his dreams so he doesn't have to deal with them. He brings Musharna everywhere. Just in case. He loves his little siblings to death, even if Gray is annoying and Juniper hits him all the time.Sleepingwithwomenisjustadistractionfromhisdemons I mean what. Cutting his hair is a sin and suggesting so results in instant termination of friendship.

Juniper S. Harmonia-Gropius: Acts like she could kill you but is really soft. Covered her right eye for a long time before meeting her gf/fiancé/wifey because insecurities. Has a Sawsbuck with a broken antler. During the summer and fall she has to tie a stick to the broken antler so he doesn't fall over from the weight difference. Not much of a battle person, but Sawsbuck is. Brought a man home once and never again- Her brothers and mother ripped into his soul. Will say something very mean but in the most gentle tone.

Gray G. Harmonia-Gropius: Adopted as heck. Will fight anyone. Don't touch his hair- he spent hours on it and will kill you. Main goal: beat his mother in a battle. Nothing else matters. Will eat ice cream in the morning. Agent of chaos. Will do anything Illusion or Juniper tells him to do. He loves them so much. "First call is to your lawyer, not your mom". The only one in his family with short hair. Regularly raids his mother's bakery. Must have constant approval. His Samurott is the only regular voice of reason in his life.

Illusion is six years older than Juniper and Juniper is one year older than Gray

Also art of Juniper's wifey Ellie and "human" Zorua

Ellie is an archeologist and she spends most of her time digging up (heh) information about the Heroes Truths and Ideals

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Ellie is an archeologist and she spends most of her time digging up (heh) information about the Heroes Truths and Ideals. She is big smart and big bubbly and happy. Loves Juniper very much but also is that a Tirtouga? (It's her own Tirtouga)

Zorua is (technically) wild, but hangs around Illusion for reasons. Under no circumstances may you touch her...unless you are Illusion. Not even Illusion's father can touch her- and he's the one who originally found her. The fluffiest Zorua you will ever see.



I forgot the lenses on Ellie's glasses :(

Pretend they're there

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