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Rosa took a sip of her coffee. The café she sat in was bustling with people, and a vaguely familiar song played quietly over the sound system. The steam from her hot beverage filled her nostrils as she brought the drink to her lips.

"I'm tellin' ya! This girl an' her Serperior are crazy strong!" A voice said.

Rosa's ears perked up and she turned around to listen more intently to the conversation. She kind of hoped they were talking about her.

"She's demolished every trainer the city has thrown at 'er! She's terrifyin'! Ain't nobody has ever seen 'er before, either!"

Paying for her coffee and exiting the café, Rosa was determined to find this trainer and challenge her. There was no way any trainer had a stronger Serperior than her! Rosa's Serperior was truly superior.

After wandering the city for awhile, Rosa found her mark. There was a crowd surrounding a battle that was currently going on between a Serperior and a Stoutland. As Rosa budged her way to the front, the Serperior landed a Leaf Blade attack that left the Stoutland powerless. Rosa finally got a glance of the trainer.

She had dark brown hair tied expertly into a ponytail, freezing blue eyes, and held herself in an elegant yet proud manner. The girl radiated confidence and power, and Rosa was instantly intimidated by her.

"Who's next?" The trainer asked, addressing the crowd.

Rosa lost her confidence for a half second. The crowd stirred- obviously no one else wanted to take the girl on. Shaking off her worries, Rosa stepped into the trainer's field of vision.

"Me!" Rosa said, mustering up all the confidence she had. Her voice cracked a tiny bit and mentally facepalmed.

The girl across the field raised her eyebrows, "You're in those movies about the Riolu."

Rosa blinked in surprise, not expecting to be recognized. She realized that now that she was recognized, she had a reputation to uphold.

"That's me," Rosa confirmed, "Rosa Black."

The girl across from her smirked, "Hilda White."

Somehow with every word she spoke, Rosa became even more intimidated. Hilda said nothing that would even be remotely so, yet she still managed to instill fear.

Rosa pulled out a Pokéball and sent out her Serperior. Rosa's Serperior hissed at the similar Pokémon across from her. The opposing Serperior flicked its tail and held its head up.

Hilda crossed her arms, "Your move."

"Dragon Tail!" Rosa commanded.

Rosa's Pokémon charged up a Dragon Tail attack and lunged at the opposing Pokémon. Hilda's Serperior gracefully dodged the move without a command or second thought.

"Coil." Hilda commanded.

Bright blue rings formed around her Serperior, raising its defense, attack, and accuracy.

Rosa smirked, "Two can play at that game!" She said, "Use Swords Dance!"

The Serperior barely had a chance to execute the attack before its opposer swiftly slashed at it with a Leaf Blade attack. Rosa blinked in surprise, hesitating.

Hilda smirked, "Again."

Hilda's Serperior landed another direct hit on the stunned foes. Rosa felt herself panic a little bit as her Pokémon recoiled from the attacks.

Hilda's Serperior was fast and precise. Rosa bet it didn't even need its power boost, either. Clearly, Rosa and her partner were dealing with a trainer and a Pokémon that had been through a lot together. They understood each other's movements even without words. How do you beat that?

Serperior looked back at its trainer and nodded. Rosa nodded back.

Rosa sighed and crossed her arms, "Man...I really thought we could win."

Hilda blinked in surprise, "What?"

"We know when we're beat," Rosa sighed, walking over and stroking her Pokémon's muzzle, "It's like when Cynthia comes to town and no one in their right mind challenges her."

Hilda's Serperior coiled around its trainer, "What?"

"I know my girl and I have a strong bond," Rosa said, getting a muzzle from her partner, "But the two of you got something deeper goin' on."

Hilda and her partner looked to each other. They both made expressionless eye contact for awhile before turning back to Rosa at the same time.

Hilda extended her hand out to Rosa, "Thank you for protecting Unova."

Rosa shook Hilda's hand hesitantly, "How did you know about that?" She whispered, "That's not public knowledge."

Hilda smiled, "I'd know a hero anywhere."

Thunder booked off in the distance, despite their being absolutely no storm clouds. The loud noise startled just about everyone in Rosa and Hilda's general vicinity.

Hilda adjusted her hat and walked away, her Pokémon slithering next to her. Rosa let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding inside.

"She was really scary."

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