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Secrets of To be King!

Aka some headcanons that I used to help me write it

•N doesn't fit in his ceremonial robe at first, says he will grow into it. It will not fit him until after he gets back from his long journey- as then he will finally be a worthy king

•The reason Hilda is so obsessed with Zorua is because her dad had a Zoroark who ran away as soon as he died

•As a form of affection, N will press his forehead against Hilda's and sometimes rubs their noses together (This one was just for fun and didn't end up making it into the book)

• "The thought of her intoxicates me...I cannot help it..."

•(This is actually canon) N only ever has male Pokémon (insert something about not trusting women)

•"You're not the rift," "You're the bridge." (He is not the one meant to separate humans and Pokémon, he is the one meant to bring them closer together)

•Stars symbolize Unova's great heroes, but all N ever sees in the stars is Pokémon

•Zorua is the only of N's Pokémon friends to not mistrust humans. (Insert something about the Pokémon of illusions and deceit trusting humans)

•Hilda's eyes are generally described as "cold"

•Reshiram and Zekrom seem to hate each other, but they really just want to be whole again. Kyurem spends its whole life in splitting pain, waiting for the day it can combine with Reshiram and Zekrom again and be free of its pain

•N doesn't generally use contractions or slang, but when around Hilda or talking about her, he will because she brings out his human side

•The more depressed N gets, the less he writes

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