So um

70 5 10

Anyone have any more Pokefusion ideas???

Pls I'm bored and itching to do an art

Also that ship thing

Ships! Who holds what!

1. The umbrella when it rains

2. The popcorn at a movie

3. The kiddo when they cry

4. The ice cream cone when they share

5. The remote when they watch TV

6. The basket when they go shopping

7. The door on dates

8. The others hand most often

9. Their breath upon seeing the other on their wedding day

10. The camera when they take pictures together

Aaaand GO

Advanceshipping (oof but I'll do it)

1. The umbrella when it rains


2. The popcorn at a movie

They fight over it

3. The kiddo when they cry

May. Ash no idea what to do

4. The ice cream cone when they share

Share? No no. They don't share food

5. The remote when they watch TV

May. Ash wasn't paying attention

6. The basket when they go shopping

They each have one

7. The door on dates

Whoever gets there first

8. The others hand most often

Ash. Clingy boi

9. Their breath upon seeing the other on their wedding day

I have no idea. Ash probably? He's an emotional dude

10. The camera when they take pictures together



1. The umbrella when it rains


2. The popcorn at a movie


3. The kiddo when they cry


4. The ice cream cone when they share

Oops Moon ate it already

5. The remote when they watch TV

Gladion. He must keep it out of reach. Arceus forbid he must watch the Kardashians

6. The basket when they go shopping


7. The door on dates


8. The others hand most often


9. Their breath upon seeing the other on their wedding day

G l a d i o n

He cries

A lot

10. The camera when they take pictures together

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