When will I see you again?

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Hilda took a deep breath. Her two best friends in the entire world are out on that battle field, and Rosa was distracting them. All she had to do, was sneak up behind them, and BAM! They would see each other again. Hopefully they'd still want to be friends...

Rosa was doing some skit, pretending to read one of her newest scripts. Cheren and Bianca watched in awe and confusion. Cheren seemed slightly disturbed after awhile.

"Maybe you shouldn't be in this movie, Ro." He said, crossing his arms.

Rosa blinked, "What? Why not?"

"It sounds horrible."

"Cheren!" Bianca scolded.

Hilda was right behind them. She slowly reached out to touch Cheren's shoulder-

Cheren chuckled and wrapped an arm around Bianca's waist, "What? I'm just saying! This movie could flop, and do you really wanna be a part of that?"

Bianca leaned into Cheren's embrace, "Oh c'mon Cherry! I think it sounds fun!"

Hilda froze. Rosa saw her freeze. She kept up the act, saying various things to get Hilda to unfreeze. Cheren and Bianca grew even more confused as the "script" got weirder and weirder.

Hilda took a step back. They didn't need her anymore. They had each other. They had Rosa. Their lives here were perfect. All without her.

Hilda retracted her hand and ran off. The noise was enough to make Bianca and Cheren turn around. Hilda was out of view by the time they turned, however.

"Was there...somebody behind us that whole time?" Cheren asked, turning back to Rosa.

Rosa put on a fake smile, "What? Pft! Psh! No!"

Cheren frowned, "How can you be such a good actress yet such a horrible liar?"

"I gotta go."

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