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(A/N. This bitch *points to brain* empty. Y E E T)

"Come on Princess! Hurry up!" A man exclaimed, scurrying from the car to the grocery store.

A little girl of about five followed at the man's heels, her yellow rain boots splashing with every step on the wet concrete. Upon the entrance to the grocery store, she and the man both shivered at the cold inside air.

"Daddy, it's cold in here!" The young girl complained.

The man ruffled his brown hair nervously, "I know Princess, but if we don't get the milk and eggs for Mommy's birthday cake, your Grandma is going to flip her ship." He sighed.

The young girl wiped rain droplets from her yellow raincoat. She took her father's hand as they strolled through the even colder aisles of the store, searching the shelves for the items they needed. As the girl's father picked up a carton of milk, a voice caught his attention.

"Well if it isn't Gus White?"

At the mention of his full name, the girl's father turned to glare at the owner of the mysterious voice. His glare was instantly replaced by his usual crooked smile.

"Ghetsis!" He chirped, reaching for a handshake, "How's it goin', man?"

Ghetsis shook the man's hand, "Great!" He said. Ghetsis looked down at the small girl cowering behind his old friend.

"You and Har have a kid now?" He asked, "Time sure flies!"

Gus laughed, "Sure does! This is Hilda. Say hello, Princess."

Hilda frowned and gave a soft, 'Hello'. She noticed three figures behind the tall man with long green hair.

"You got kids now too, eh?" Gus asked. He gestured to two teenage girls behind Ghetsis, "Thems two look way too old to be yours though!"

"That's cause they are!" Ghetsis laughed, "They're adopted. Say hello, girls."

The two girls spoke simultaneously, "Pleasure to meet you."

Gus looked down to the young boy clutching Ghetsis' coat, "Who's this one?"

Ghetsis pat the boy's head, "This here is Natural."

The young boy made a sour face.

"N," Ghetsis corrected, "This is N."

The boy grinned.

"So! How's Faith?" Gus asked.

Ghetsis frowned, "She passed away soon after N was born."

Hilda looked up at her father. He looked like he had just gotten punched in the gut. He scratched the stubble on his face.

"Oh...I'm so sorry, G."

"It's alright- We manage."

Hilda looked at the young boy behind Ghetsis as their parents rambled on and on. The boy seemed to be studying her, but Hilda didn't see what for. She noticed his green eyes scan her up and down.

The boy suddenly spoke up, "She is weird."

Ghetsis, Gus, and the two girls looked down at N.

"Excuse me?" Gus asked.

Ghetsis scowled, "What?"

N pointed to Hilda and looked up at his father, "I do not like her, Daddy."

Hilda frowned. She hadn't even spoken to him! How could he not like her?

Ghetsis and his daughters stared down at N, mortified, "Anthea, Concordia, take N back to the car. Now." He growled.

"Yes Father." The girl's harmonized, escorting their little brother back out to the car.

Ghetsis sighed, "I'm so sorry, Gus...the boy has no filter. He has the worst social skills."

Gus frowned, "It's fine. See ya around, Ghetsis."

Ghetsis sighed and nodded. He turned around and walked away, hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry Princess...let's get those eggs and go home."

Hilda nodded and followed her dad through the store. He allowed her to hold the milk (per her request) and she hugged it to her chest. She thought about the boy with green eyes. She hoped she would never have to see him again.

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