SW/SH headcanons

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Spoilers so look out!

So uh before this gets started

I will forever headcanon Piers and Marnie as Gladion and Moon's children

I have a vague idea of how it'll work but ye

The game didn't really say anything about their parents so ya

Now more headcanons begin

1. Piers has a Christmas album and it's actually really soft and uncharacteristic of him

2. Piers' accent isn't as strong as Marnie's

3. Gloria has a weird crush on Piers

3 b. It's weird because she followed his journey/music and was a fan of him before they even met

4. Raihan has the biggest crush on Leon, but Leon has absolutely no idea

5. Gloria and Hop just casually take Zacian and Zamazenta out on walks and play fetch in the park with them like it's no big deal

6. Bede secretly feels really bad about how he treated Hop. Very secretly. It is TOP SECRET

7. It is Victor's personal mission to be friends with EVERY POKÉMON HE SEES. THERE IS NO EXCEPTION

8. If Victor doesn't pet Sonia's Yamper at least once a day, that is unacceptable. He loves squishing Zacian/Zamazenta's face

9. Gloria and Rillaboom are banned from various drum shops for obvious reasons

10. Hop's Inteleon will still cry for any and all reasons

11. Cinderace is a very picky eater so half of the curry Victor makes, Cinderace won't even look at

12. Marnie's Morpeko loves hanging out with Victor, because Victor is always trying to make different curry for Cinderace, and Morpeko will just eat whatever Cinderace won't

13. Sometimes Piers will be in the middle of a show, and Marnie has to kick him off stage because she has a challenger


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