*Flat Line*

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Chen can only feel pain. It hurts when he breaths, it hurts when he moves. 'He's going to die' is the only thing that he can think of.  It took all his willpower to get his phone out of his pocket and dialed for Pavel.

"Bro... it's 3 AM"

Chen is struggling to speak, his whole mouth hurts from the beating he took from Ohm. 

"Bro, what?!" Pavel was starting to get extremely irritated.

'Chen knows that if he doesn't speak, he'd die right then and there "he... help... ho....use... outside" Chen took on last big gulp of air "house outside the city" Chen spat out some blood but still continued to speak "one on the hills... ambulance"

"BRO! WHAT IS GOING ON!" Pavel was in a panic, he leaped out of his bed and took his car keys right away. "CHEN!" all that Pavel can hear is labored breathing on the other line. "I will call an ambulance, answer my call right after!" Pavel immediately hung up and dialed for an ambulance and gave the address of Chen's house. He also contacted the police. Pavel attempted to contact Chen but it was just ringing. Pavel stepped on the pedal and then called Pha.

"Yes Pav?" Pha answered,

"Where are you?" 

"I'm just about to go home."

"I need you to calm down okay, I think Chen is in big trouble." 

"Wait what?! What do you mean?" Pha exclaimed.

Pavel related what happened a few mins earlier "I am already on my way to his place. I tell you man, I think it's Pawat."

"I think so too. Let me just call Yo."

"Bro, remember what he told us to make sure that Nine goes through the rest of the plan."

Pha took a deep breath, he's frustrated but also understands that he needs to honor his friend's wishes. "Okay. I'm on my way."

Pavel arrived before the ambulance did, he noticed that there were no lights in the house. He immediately opened the door to find it locked. Police came in the scene and asked for his identity. He then explained that he was the person who gave them the call. The police forced open the door and opened the lights, the sight broke Pavel's heart.

There lies on the floor is an unconscious shirtless Chen, blood covered his face and his body is full of bruises. Pavel immediately ran to Chen to check for his pulse, it's there but it is faint. Pavel tried to shake him up but decided against it, he doesn't know what other injuries the other boy has. 

The ambulance arrived and they rushed Chen to the hospital. Unbeknownst to them, another car was following them. The man in the car sent a text:

Ohm, police were there. I'm following them. - P

He continued to follow the ambulance until it reached the hospital. The man slipped into the emergency room.

"Check for pulse!" The nurses scrambled to connect Chen to the apparatus. 

"We're losing him!"

Pavel was pacing in the emergency room, trying to keep it together. Pha arrived and gave him a hug "Hush, they are doing their best bro." 

Pha looked at his friend lying on the hospital bed and sent out a prayer "Please be okay."

An eerie sound filled both Pha and Pavel's ears. They looked at the source of the sound and what they saw mortified them: a flat line.

The man who followed them immediately slipped out of the room and sent another message:

Ohm, the boy is dead. - P

A reply came right away:

Don't get caught.

With that, the man immediately went in his car across the street and drove away.

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