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"So what happened while I was in this medically induced coma?" Chen asked Wayo

It is still painful whenever he tries to move. He was told that he had several fractured ribs, some internal bleeding but otherwise, he'll be okay. The last thing he remembers was being tag teamed by Ohm's men.

"You were brought to the hospital. Pavel called an ambulance right after you contacted him." That part was a haze for Chen. "Pavel noticed that you were being followed so he informed the police when they arrived in the hospital. True enough, it was Ohm's henchman."

Yo took a chair and propped himself beside Chen "The funny thing is, the man went inside the ER when they reviewed the CCTV footage" Yo took a sip of his coffee "don't you love CCTVs?" Yo laughed, Chen wanted to as well but pain shot from his chest. "Please don't make me laugh" he pleaded.

"So, he left when you flatlined, well at least when the nurse accidentally removed one of your monitors. The moron probably thought you were done for."

"Oh wow."

"When they followed him through the highway, he gave a chase, threw his phone outside his car. That's when the police knew something was wrong." Yo continued.

"But where is Nine?" Chen asked.

"Your plan worked, he contacted his father and arranged a meeting, he even persuaded him to bring along Ohm's father. You should have seen him in that suit, Chen. He was just devine." Yo was making hand gestures that he looked silly telling the story. "We were in the adjacent room and we can hear Ohm screech about all his misdeeds. I felt bad for Mr. Pawat tho."

"You didn't answer my question."

"He was here last night." Yo took another sip of his coffee "and so was Fluke."

"What happened?"

"Fluke... well Fluke kinda blamed Nine for the assault."

Chen was enraged. "WHAT?!"

"Don't worry, I slapped the bitch."

"So where is Nine?"

"He ran away." Yo's demeanor suddenly changed "news broke out last night that Ohm shot himself dead."

Chen was lost for words, he never expected that to happen. He just wanted to make sure that Nine would be free from Ohm, but not to this extent. "He must be blaming himself."

"We don't know. He's not answering his phone. As of this morning, he's out of reach."

"Yo, I think he's at Mrs. Kim's, can you check him there now?"

Yo's eyes widened like there was a eureka moment "Why haven't I thought about that last night? I'll go there now."

Chen chuckled "Thank you, Yo."

"You're my best friend. The closest I'll ever have for a brother." Yo was about to step out of the door but stopped himself and turned around to Chen "since I love spoiling things, he said he's got feelings for you." Yo winked and left the room.

Chen smiled to himself, maybe it's true that when you are at your lowest, you can only go up.

Yo found himself in front of Mrs. Kim's room. He softly knocked and the door was answered by Mr. Kim. "Hello, you are Wayo, right?"

"Yes Mr. Kim! You have such great memory! How is your wife?"

"She is doing well. How about Chen? How is he?"

"He just woke up. Mr. Kim, would you happen to know where Nine is?"

Mr. Kim sighed, he led Yo to the couch and went to the bedside. He seemed to grab something from there "he was here last night. He was inconsolable. I know I can't do anything other that being beside him." Mr. Kim went to give Yo a folded piece of paper. "He wrote this letter for Chen. Nine knew one way or another that Chen would figure out that he was here."

Yo took the letter and placed it in his bag. "He also instructed for Chen to read it once he is well. Please send my regards to Chen, okay? I hope he understands that I can't leave my wife yet." Mr. Kim added.

"I will Mr. Kim"

Yo stood up, hugged Mr. Kim and bid his farewell. He returned to Chen to deliver the news.

"He was there but he already left when I arrived."

Disappointment was written all over Chen's face "oh, okay. You still can't contact him?"

Yo nodded "But he left a letter for you."

"Where is it?"

"Instructions were given that you should read it once you are healed. So I'll keep it for the mean time."

"That's crazy! It's mine so I should keep it." Chen pouted like a 10 year old.

"Knowing you attitude, the moment I hand this letter to you, it's as good as read. So heal before you ask me again."

Chen has never felt more motivated to get better.

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