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"I still had to see Yibo, Chen. I wanted to explain that I had no control over what was happening." Nine gave out a sad smile "we met in secret for almost a year until one day, I was caught by Ohm."

Chen held his hand in reassurance.

"He was mad, crazy mad. He threatened me that he would tell my father and I was afraid that my father would eventually ruin the Wang family. I can't let that happen, so I played Ohm's game. There are days when I no longer see Yibo in school, he doesn't attend swimming practices anymore." A tear fell on Nine's cheek and Chen wiped it. "I learned from Yibo's best friend that he has been receiving anonymous letters, photos of me and Ohm shirtless in the same bed. Threats about his family's company if he continues to meet me."

"One day, I heard the news that he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital because of severe depression. I went to visit him. He was different, it broke my heart. I learned that every day, Ohm would call him to tell him that he doesn't have a chance with me, that if he even dares to look at me, he'd make sure that the businesses of the Wang family would perish. Even when Yibo promised Ohm that he would stop pursuing me, Ohm still continued to threaten him." Nine dozed off for a second "Eventually, his family left for the US. I have never heard anything from them." Nine took a sip of his hot chocolate "I asked Ohm why he had to do that, he said that Yibo was collateral damage. I cannot marry a man who thinks people are dispensable to their cause, so I had to run away."

Chen was speechless. He didn't know what exactly to do but he has decided that he will help Nine. "I will help you."

"No, I don't want you to be involved in this."

"Unfortunately for you, I already am. Someone might have seen us together at the party so let me try to help you."

Chen's phone suddenly rang and saw that it was Wayo who was calling. "Hello Yo?" he answered the phone.

"Hey Seven, do you have any idea where Nine is?"

"Who is Seven?" Chen asked.

"You, of course." Yo deadpanned. 

"Yes, I'm with him now. Wait, what do you mean by Seven?" Chen asked in confusion.

"Duh, I did not peg you to be someone who is bad at math."

"What is going on?" Nine asked.

"Yo just called me Seven for some odd reason."

"OH MY GOD." Nine started to feel his cheeks burn.

"Huh, why? I don't get it." Chen was totally clueless.

Wayo laughed on the other line and said "count from the number 7 to 9"

"7,8,9?" Chen started to count.

Chen can hear Ben make a comment on the other line "HOLY SHIT, HE DIDN'T!"

Yo then replied with  "Yes, he did." and laughter was the only thing that he heard for several minutes.

"Why are you laughing? What is funny with 7, 8, 9?" Chen was agitated at this point. "Do you know why they are laughing Nine?" 

Nine was just sitting there, mortified about their conversation.

Chen continued to talk to Yo and told Nine that the rest of the crew is going to the hospital.

"I really don't think that it's a good idea." Nine said.

"Trust me, we can help you."

Nine shook his head and stared at his drink.

"You know what's the difference this time?" Chen asked.


"You have friends now." Chen smiled at him and Nine felt that it might just work in his favor this time. Maybe this time, he doesn't need to escape.

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