*The Black Suit*

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Nine wore the most expensive black suit he can find. He is going to war and he is making sure he has all the necessary ammo for tonight. He might not be beside Chen right now, he might not be able to be beside Chen's family but he needs to do this for Chen. Fuck their plan, he wants to see Ohm bleed and he will make him and he's going to do it in style.

Nine picked  up his phone and sent another text to Ohm:

9 PM sharp, Hotel Kongthanin, Room 5729. I'll be waiting. - 9

He received a response right away:

See you, my love. - Ohm

Nine was beyond disgusted. He threw the phone to the bed. He checked the time on his watch, 10 minutes to 9. Wayo fixed  his tie and then gave him a soft pat on his cheek. "You can do this. If you need anything,  remember I'm just in the adjacent room." and with that, Nine was left alone. 

He turned off all the lights, and left the lamp turned on. He took a chair and placed it beside the lamp, he sent one more text to Ohm:

The door is open. - 9

He then sat on the chair. Now, he wait.

A few minutes passed and he heard a soft knock on the door. He held his breath as the door slowly opened. 

From his chair, he can see the monster of his nightmares. Like an angel who has fallen from grace: a handsome face with a devilish smile. Ohm looked as dapper as ever.

"I didn't expect that you'd contact me this quick." Ohm smirked at him. Nine wanted to wipe that smug smile off of Ohm's face. Nine turned on the lights and gestured for Ohm to sit on a chair.

"Black? You look like you are going to a funeral." Ohm said with a laugh that infuriated Nine to his core.

"What would you know about funerals?" Nine poured drinks for two.

"I don't know, there's just this rumor going around..." Ohm trailed off and took the glass that Nine was offering him "that a rich young heir is gone" Ohm then took a sip from his glass.

Nine stared at him. He wanted to strangle the man right then and there but he is trying to rein in his feelings.

Nine sat on the chair, looked Ohm in the eye and asked "Did you do it?"


"Don't lie. I know that you sent the photos back then to father so that you can coax him to your idea of arranging our marriage.

Ohm watched him while he took another sip of the rum. "Pour me another, please."

Nine stood up and poured him another round "you were not contented that Yibo promised to not see mee again, you kept on threatening him about his family, his life that it pushed him over the edge. It took a toll on his mental health and you basked in his suffering."

"Weak people don't deserve to stay in your life Nine."

Tears started to roll down Nine's cheeks "I loved him Ohm, I could have been happy with him but you took him away!"

"I loved you but you took our chance away!" Nine can see Ohm simmering underneath. 

"You knew from the start that I never saw you past our friendship." Nine took a calming breath "So are you the one responsible with what happened to Chen?"

Ohm just smiled and took another drink.

"How dare you?!" Nine threw his glass to Ohm

"How dare me?! How dare he say to my face that you never loved me, that you begged for his cock! That... that... you only had sex with me because you pitied me." Ohm finished his drink. "You are MINE Nine! If I can't have you, no one will. Even if it means that I have blood on my hands! I have ruined Yibo's life before and I will not think twice about doing it again!" Ohm grabbed Nine by his shoulders "If I have to manipulate every single member of my family again, or your father, I'd gladly do it!"

"Is that enough for you Mr. Pawat?" Nine asked.

Ohm grabbed Nine's face "Not until you are mine and mine alone!"

"Yes, that is enough." an elderly man suddenly spoke.

Ohm turned his head around and saw his father standing by the door to the adjacent room together with Mr. Kornchid. His face paled when he saw the police standing behind them.

"Officer, please take my son."

"No father! This is all a mistake!"

A policeman brought out another man in cuffs and hope fled Ohm. Park was captured. Ohm looked back at Nine "You know that I love you, right?" 

Nine averted his gaze "I don't know anymore."

Ohm was escorted out of the room by the police, Mr. Pawat approached Nine and knelt in front of him "I am so sorry Nine, I didn't know" Nine's father followed and grabbed his hands. 

"It's okay, it's neither your fault. Ohm manipulated everyone."

"Go home with me now son." his father told him. He gave his father a warm embrace. "I need to be somewhere first."

"Let's go." Yo told him.

The drive was silent, no one spoke a word. He is finally free from Ohm and this is all because of Chen. The thought about what happened still pains him. 

Nine was led to a small viewing room and the first person he saw was an elderly woman. The woman approached him and gave him a hug "You must be Nine, I'm Chen's mother."

Nine returned the hug "Yes ma'am." Mrs Aydin led him to where Chen was laying. Nine approached the still boy and gave his forehead a kiss. Tears ran down his eyes "How are you?"

Everyone in the room was watching him, he didn't care anymore if a lot of people see him cry, all that matters is that he is finally in front of Chen.

"I'm okay, just a few broken ribs and some internal bleeding. What took you so long Nine?"

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