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Chen watched Nine walk down the aisle. For him, the past 5 years was surreal, it was the best and the worst time of his life. He placed his hand over his chest, he can feel how hard his heart is beating. He locked eyes with his soon-to-be husband and it finally sinks in: he's going to be mine, forever. Chen smiled to himself and looked away for a second because if he doesn't he might run down to Nine and drag him to the pedestal to make this wedding go faster.

Nine can still recall the look on Chen's face the first time he saw him: the arrogant yet boy next door appeal he exuded. Now, the same man stands in front of him, waiting. He saw Chen smile and then looked away. Chen was blushing. 

Nine reached the pedestal and Chen took his hand "Can I kiss you now?" Chen asked.

"We haven't even started yet, you know." Nine rolled his eyes.

All throughout the ceremony, Chen never let go of Nine's hand unless they were instructed to do something that would require the use of both their hands.

"Please read your vows, Nine, you may start." the marriage officiant said.

Nine took a deep breath, he looked at their entwined fingers and started to speak "Chen, the first time I saw you, I thought that you are really handsome. And that you are a jerk." Nine looked at their guests and animatedly told them "you guys, he asked me how much do I cost!?" 

"That was 5 years ago!" Chen told the laughing crowd.

"Anyway," Nine continued "despite how we met, you proved to be more than that angsty boy who had his heart broken a few hours before. I became your pretend boyfriend, then I became your not-so-secret lover. Before I knew it, you became my rock. And then you became more than my rock... or that rock hard thing that I love riding." Nine said and the gasps erupted in the hall which was followed by a few minutes of laughter. "You see Mr. Archen Aydin, you became the warmth of the sun in the morning, the cool chill in my favorite ice cream. You became the curve of my every smile,  the lilt of my every laugh." Nine paused and looked at Chen in the eyes "You became the piece of my soul that I yearn for every day." Chen gave him a small smile and mouthed 'I love you'. "Do you know how I knew that it was not a savior complex? The moment you showed your kindness to Mr. and Mrs. Kim the first time you met them, you already snatched a piece of my heart and I am really happy that you did." Nine gave Chen a quick kiss, Pavel shouted from the crowd "Hey, you were not asked to kiss yet!" laughter once again erupted in the room.

Nine laughed and finished his vow "I promise I will never run away from you again. I promise to stay beside you especially when you get another beating, but probably that's from me for spilling our dirty secrets to our friends" Nine then looked at Wayo then winked. "This time I will stay as long as you want me to, even if you don't want me to. It was a mistake running away from you and I am happy that you looked for me when I didn't want to be found. Please continue taking care of my heart." Nine then kissed Chen's hand.

"So, Mr. Aydin, it's your turn."

"Wow, I -" Chen paused, his tears were choking him. He closed his eyes, swallowed and took a deep breath "I remember how you sassed me that night. You were the first person who I flirted with to stand up against my antics. The way you arched your eyebrows when I asked you that question is forever imprinted in my mind. When I broke my heart that night, I thought that it was the worst thing that could happen to me, but boy I was wrong. It was the beginning of a greater and better adventure. I remember the first time I held you in my arms, it was the first time that I was able to relate to that Edward Cullen line about Bella being his own brand of heroin." Chen tucked in the stray hair that was covering Nine's eyes and he stared at them "But it's your eyes that really got me, they expressed more than what you say and that is the most beautiful part about it." Chen kissed Nine between his eyebrows. "When you left, I knew I had to find you. Your letter felt like a goodbye and I will not allow that, especially after Yo told me that you have feelings for me. How can I let the love of my life disappear like that?" Nine's tears started to fall, he gripped Chen's hand tighter "You showed me that love can be selfless, that no matter how ugly things are, you can still smile. If someone would say that I am your superhero because I saved you, I will tell them that you are the source of my strength. Someone once told you that they can be better with you, I now know that it is true because I will always work hard to be a better person so I will be deserving of your love." 

"Chen, don't ugly cry." Nine kid to which Chen rolled his eyes.

"I'm not finished yet, wait" Nine smiled back at him "Remember that Filipino song that you used to sing to me? The line goes as 'Dahil kung ikaw ang yakap ko, parang yakap ko ang langit' (Because if I hold you in my arms, it's like I am holding heaven). That's you. You are my own little piece of heaven. I promise to take care of that small piece that I call mine. I will protect you, cherish you and if you disappear again, I promise I will find you. I will always find you." 

Nine wrapped his arms around Chen's neck and kissed him. 

"Well, I guess you don't need me to tell you to kiss your husband! I now pronounce you husbands!" The officiator said.

They kissed until the thundering applause stopped. It was the moment Nine understood why things went bad, it was so he can appreciate this happiness that is in his arms now.

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