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Amelia's POV

We all run in and Zach slams the door shut.
"When do you guys leave?" I ask looking at Daniel. They all look at each other and sigh.
"Tomorrow" Jonah mumbles.

I don't say anything and I just sat down on my couch.
We were back at my house after the concert including Gabbie and Tate.
"Hey we don't have anymore shows left and once we're done we'll fly you out to LA" Jack smiles. I smile as Gabbie and Daniel sat next to me.
"But what if he comes here while we're gone?!" Zach asks making my smile fade away.
"He won't they sent him off pretty far from where Amelia is it'll take him sometime" Corbyn says wrapping his arm around Zach.
"I don't think so..I mean that guy is crazy!" Zach shakes his head. I rest my head in my hands and I feel someone's arms around me.

"Don't cry you'll be safe" Daniel says. "I'm not crying you dipshit" I say looking at him.
"Besides if they catch him again he'll escape...again!" I say getting up.

"Well.." Zach pauses "Not unless you..."
He makes a gun with his hands and my eyes widen.
"Kill him?!" Gabbie asks Zach.
"Honestly we just have to make it look like an accident its for Amelias sake that guy won't stop until she's dead" Zach shrugs.

He did have a point.
I sign crossing my arms as Tate threw her arm around me.

"We'll say its self defense" She shrugs agreeing with Zach.
"Okay lets just lure him out to the cliff and you will push him or trick him i dont give a shit as long as he ends up falling" Zach says.
"Damn you're already planning this shit out?!" I chuckle turning on the TV.

I turn on the ps4 and load up Minecraft.
"Really we're talking about killing someone and you're gonna play Minecraft?" Corbyn asks. Me and Tate throw up our middle fingers at him.
"Its always the right time to play Minecraft" Tate scoffs picking up the controller.

"Agreed" Zach says taking the controller from my hands. "Hey thats mine!" I say smacking his arm and taking it back.
"Well now its mine" He says grabbing it away from me.

"No it isn't!" I say jumping on his back and trying to reach for the remote.
"Ooh getting a little touchy are we?" He laughs laying down on his back and I quickly jump off and head to Jonah.
"You always make everything sexual!" I yell pointing at him.
"No I don't" he scoff crossing his arms.
"Honestly yeah you do!" I say rolling my eyes and also crossing my arms.

I look at Daniel who was glaring at Zach as he was changing his skin on Minecraft.

I sigh heading to the kitchen and grabbing a granola bar. "Hey" Daniel says scaring the shit out of me.

"Oh my god do not do that!" I gasp resting my hand on my heart. He laughs and scratches his neck.
"Sorry.." He mutters. I chuckle and walk around him to get to the living room but he stops me.

"I miss you" He whispers looking down at me.
"I know..." I mumble sighing.
"Don't you have Alexis?" I ask looking down to the floor. "Yes...but she's not the same" He says.

I look at him confused. "How?"

"She ignores me half of the time and the only time she does talk to me is when you're around" he sighs with his voice cracking.

Don't cry, Don't cry, Don't cry.

"I'm sorry" He says with a tear falling down.
I shake my head and wipe his tear away and hugging him.

"Don't cry Daniel" I whisper closing my eyes.
"I fucked up this whole relationship and it's my fault I was just too scared about what the others would think and I-

"Daniel!" I say cupping his cheeks and shutting him up.
"It's okay Daniel we're back together and we can start over if you really wanted too!" I smile.

"A-Are you sure?" He asks confused.
"Yes" I smile wiping the rest of his tears away.
He hugs me again and I wrap my arms around him.
"Now that was an Oscar performance!" Zach says clapping his hands.
We both pull apart and Zach glares at Daniel.

"What?" Daniel sniffles pulling me closer to him.
"Nothing just seeing you steal my girl WHILE you have a GIRLFRIEND!" Zach yells.
"We didn't even do anything and besides.." Daniel pauses, "I'm breaking up with Alexis"

"Still...you cheated!" Zach scoffs crossing his arms.
"Oh so now hugging a person thats the different sex while you have a girlfriend is cheating now?!" Daniel shouts.

"Okay cal-
Zach cuts me off by taking a swing at Daniel.
"ZACH!" I scream. I look at Daniel who looked beyond mad and he also throws a punch at Zach.

"JONAH!" I scream and all of them came running.
"BOYS!" Gabbie yells. They didn't seem to stop so Jonah took a step forward and held Zach back while me and Jack ran towards Daniel and held him back.

"You fucking bitch!" Daniel spits.
"Shut the fuck up you left her and I had to as well because of you!" Zach shouts.
"Both of you shut up!" I yell but they don't seem to hear me.

"At least I don't go around my friends back when you knew damn well I liked her! Did you really think I would go ahead and fuck with Kay?!" Daniel yells.
"Daniel watch it!" Corbyn yells.

"Shut the fuck up you giraffe don't drag her into this! Also I don't go ahead and fuck with other girls!" Zach screams.

"You did too Clo, Jorden, and so on!" Daniel yells even louder.

"Shut the fuck up!" I scream looking up at Daniel who didn't bother to look down at me.
I look at Jack who shook his head and sighed.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yell cutting off Zach.

"You guys are so immature stop fucking arguing or you guys will both lose her!" Tate says crossing her arms.

Daniel looks down at me and sighs.
"I'm sorry" he whispers.
I roll my eyes and look at Zach who also looked guilty.

"Figure it out I'm leaving" I say running to the front door and putting on my slides.
"Hey, hey where are you going?!" Daniel asks.
I grab my car keys but he steps his front of me.
"Amelia..where are you going?" He asks with his face really close to mine.

"Out" I mumble shoving him out the way and opening up the door.

"Amelia!" I heard him yell. I quickly unlock the car and slam the door behind me locking it.

"Bye" I muttered rolling my eyes and quickly pulling out of the driveway.

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