The businessman's family

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It said with families; they carry secrets. Some secrets protect us, while some harm us. I learned a long time ago that when you hide something significant from your family, it can do more harm than good.

I lied to my dad, telling him I was going on a business trip. I enlisted my bodyguard Cameron to help me. I planned intricate details, knowing my father would check. I know I should tell my family, but I couldn't.

If the treatment failed, then my family had to watch me die. Since I didn't have a boyfriend or husband, I didn't need to worry about them. When you have no one, you are truly alone.

I finished packing my bags and zipped them up. I looked around at the apartment. I didn't know if I would return to it.

"Are you ready?" Cameron asked.

"Yes, I am. Can you help me with my bags?" I asked, looking at Cameron.

He nodded and entered my bedroom, grabbing my bags. He carried them downstairs as I followed. Once we left the hotel, we walked to the car, and Cameron loaded my bags. I got into the backseat. He finished and got into the front seat.

Cameron turned and looked at me. "Give me your phone," he said, holding out his hand.

"Why?" I asked with confusion.

"So we can send it on a trip. Your dad will track it," Cameron informed me.

I opened my purse and pulled out my phone, handing it to Cameron. He took it and placed it into a bag. He pulled out of a parking spot and drove to the airport. I'm not sure how he will manage to put a blind bag on the plane.

Cameron parked and got out, taking the bag with him. I watched as he acted casual, walking over to a cart and set the bag down. Then he turned and walked away. I sat there, confused. Does no one question blind bags appear on a cart?  I guess not.

He got back into the car and pulled away, leaving the bag which held my phone on the luggage cart.

"I'm a little confused. Where is that luggage going?" I questioned.

"Beats me; I figure a plane with sending it on its proper destination. Plus, it's not like you will need that phone if you're staying at the beach house," Cameron reasoned.

"My dad will fire you for helping me," I mentioned.

"Your dad hired me to protect you, and that's what I'm doing. He said nothing about helping you with your medical ordeal," Cameron told me.

I sighed. My dad despised lying, and I was telling a whopper of a lie.

"Look, the last thing you need to do is stressing about your father," Cameron advised me.

"My dad hates lying," I replied.

"My dad hates anchovies. Two things both will get over in time," Cameron said.

"That makes little sense," I remarked.

"It doesn't need to make sense because it doesn't matter what each dislikes. We're adults, and our parents should accept it," Cameron told me.

I sat there quietly. My dad doesn't accept we're adults. He sees us as little kids who obey the rules. I haven't spoken to my mom since I last saw her. I regretted our conversation and my part in it. I hoped one day, my mom would forgive me.

Cameron pulled into a driveway and parked. I got out of the car and closed the door, looking at the beach house. It still looked the same. He got out of the car and grabbed two bags as I walked to the front door. I searched and found the key to the beach house, opening the door, and entering.

Cameron followed me and set the bags down so that he could retrieve the other bags. I walked around, looking at everything. My parents kept it the same from when we were kids. They would bring us here when we didn't go to Spain. It was my favorite time.

"Okay, I unloaded the car. Where are the bedrooms?" Cameron asked me.

"The bedrooms are upstairs. I'll show you each room," I replied.

Cameron followed me, and I showed him the bedrooms. I gave him the room that we used growing up, which was the first room. I took the bedroom at the end of the hall, which was my parent's room.

He set my bags down on the floor next to the bed, then went to get his bags. I walked over to the dresser and picked up a picture frame with a photo of Lexie, Landon, and me as kids. I walked over to the bed and sat down on it, staring at the picture.


I took my bags to my bedroom and set them down. The room had a simplicity to it, which didn't bother me. I prefer simple over extravagant. My parents raised me to appreciate people, not things.

I went to check on Valeria and heard sniffling. I peered into the bedroom to see her crying while holding a picture. I furrowed my brows as she wipes her eyes.

I watched Valeria get up from the bed and put the picture frame back on the dresser. I didn't understand why she wouldn't tell her family. Isn't that what someone needs during a difficult time? 

She turned, and I made a hasty retreat. The last thing I needed was her accusing me of spying on her. I hurried downstairs and went to the kitchen. I heard footsteps as I opened the fridge door, acting casual.

"Did you find everything that you needed?" Valeria asked me.

"Yeah, and there's no food in the kitchen," I answered, closing the fridge door. I walked over to the cabinets and checked each one.

"I doubt my parents keep food here since no one comes here often," Valeria mentioned.

I closed the cabinet door, then looked at her. "I guess we're going grocery shopping. If you're having surgery and treatment, you will need food," I reasoned.

"Do you know anything about grocery shopping?" Valeria questioned with a doubtful look.

"I'm sure it's not that complicated. Plus, it will give us time to talk if we get stuck together," I answered with a smirk.

Valeria looked at me, quizzically. I walked past her, and she followed. I got into the car, and she got in on the passenger side. I looked at her.

"What?" Valeria asked.

"Shouldn't you be sitting in the backseat since I'm a hired hand?" I questioned.

Valeria gave me an annoyed look.

"I figure you wouldn't want to sit next to the help.  Isn't that what you referred to me on my first day," I reminded Valeria.

Valeria furrowed her brows. Yeah, that was a fun day. I showed up on my first day, and she referred to me as hired help. My job was standing out in the hallway next to her door while she banged her married boyfriend. 

"I apologize for that remark," Valeria mumbled.

"What was that?  I didn't hear you," I said, pushing my ear toward Valeria.

"I said that I apologize," Valeria repeated herself.

"I heard you the first time," I remarked, smirking.

Valeria looked at me with a horrified expression. Yeah, this assignment would be fun. Never treat people with disregard or disrespect because one day, it will bite you in the ass. Since I get stuck with miss snooty pants, she will find out that I'm nothing like that married dick, which she was screwing. Good luck, Valeria, you will need it.

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