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When we returned home, Valeria walked over to the couch and sat down on it. Then she laid down on her side and fell asleep. I walked over, lifted her legs, then covered her with a light blanket. I knew today exhausted her, but she needed the outing.

While Valeria slept, I went to town to pick up a few things. I pulled into a parking spot and got out of the car, making my way to a grocery store. I grabbed a cart, then walked down the aisles, putting different items into the basket. I figure snacks and beverages were for the evening, plus we needed some food for meals.

After I finished shopping, I checked out and grabbed the bags carrying them to the car. Next, I went to a tech store and bought something to project a movie from my phone along with a white screen and speakers. The final stop was to pick up some more edibles since we were getting low. A half of brownie was enough to increase Valeria's appetite.

I finished running my errands and returned to the beach house. I grabbed the bags and carried them inside the house, then put the groceries away.

Valeria awoke from her nap and came into the kitchen.

"How long was I asleep?" Valeria asked, yawning.

"A few hours, but you needed the rest," I answered, putting stuff away.

Valeria looked into the bags. "What is this stuff?"

"I picked up groceries and snacks," I mentioned.

Valeria pulled out a box of King Dongs and looked at me strangely. "I thought I couldn't have these because they weren't healthy," Valeria retorted, referring you to our first shopping trip.

I placed my palm on the counter and put my other hand on my waist, then looked at Valeria. "Yeah, I was wrong," I admitted.

My admission surprised Valeria.

"I've been reading books, and one mentioned that it's not so much the fact about the food, it's the control. A cancer patient needs control in their life, and it can be as simple as a box of King Dongs," I explained.

Valeria held the box in her hands and looked at it. "I wanted one thing that cancer didn't take from me. It took my breasts and hair. It made me exhausted and useless. Cancer made me sick and lost weight while people stare at me like a freak. I thought I could have one thing in my life that gave me a little control," Valeria told me as she looked at me.

I listened to Valeria as she spoke.

"I tried to control everything in my life, but when you become sick, you lose that. Your sickness makes you realize your mortality," Valeria explained.

"Is that why you were competitive growing up?" I asked with curiosity.

"I wanted control over things. It's difficult to explain. I didn't understand it until the doctor told me I had breast cancer. I thought women don't get that until they're middle-aged. I didn't know you could get breast cancer at a young age. My thinking was a mistake," Valeria said, attempting to smile.

It didn't work. Valeria began to cry, and I pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her. She buried her head into my chest as I rubbed her back. I watched a person fight for a strand of existence and hoped they didn't lose the battle.

"It's okay to admit that it terrifies you. No one will fault you," I reassured Valeria.

Valeria lifted her head and looked at me with tear-streaked cheeks. "I don't want to die. Is that terrible?" She asked me.

I moved my hands to her face and wiped her tears with my thumbs. "There is nothing wrong with you wanting to fight for your life. It would disappoint if you didn't fight," I reasoned.

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