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I went to treatment and sat in the chair, thinking about going to the festival with Cameron. It made me excited to attend. As I sat there, watching the chemo drip through the tube and enter my body, I tried to stay positive. It didn't last.

After my treatment, I got sick. We made it back to the beach house, and I ran to the bathroom.

"Valeria!" Cameron yelled, chasing me.

I dropped on the bathroom floor and heaved into the toilet, gripping the bowl. Cameron grabbed a wet washcloth and held my head as my body revolted. I finished as I sat on the floor next to the toilet.

I looked at Cameron as he cleaned my face.

"We aren't going, are we?" I asked.

Cameron gave me a sympathetic look. "No, today was a rough treatment," he reasoned.

I laid my head in my hand as tears fell down my cheeks.

"I thought if I stayed positive and strong, then we could go. It was something I looked forward to since I started treatments," I sniffled.

Cameron looked at me with empathy. I rubbed my eyes and sniffled.

"Look at me, crying over, not going to a festival. Stupid, I know," I sniffled. I know it's ridiculous to get excited for something trivial such as a festival.

"It's not stupid. It lifted your spirits. No one can fault you for that," Cameron reasoned.

I nodded as we sat there. I never thought my life would change like this, but it did. Cameron lifted me off the floor, and I snuggled into his chest, burying my face into him. He carried me to the bedroom and laid me down on the bed.

Sleep overtook me, and I closed my eyes.


I looked at Valeria asleep in the bed. All she wanted to be something simple such as going to a festival. The treatments were ravaging her body and spirit. I needed to figure out how to boost her mind to keep her going. Then an idea hit me. I knew it was a long shot, but if I could get her to smile and laugh, that was a plus.

I left the bedroom, then the beach house, driving to town. I pulled into a spot and got out of the car. I looked around and saw it - a costume shop. That was perfect.

I walked in and started looking at costumes, finding one along with a wig. When I got to the counter, the cashier looked at me strangely.

"I thought I would rob a bank," I mentioned.

The cashier's eyes grew big. Well, give me a strange look and get an absurd answer. The cashier took care of my purchase quickly, and I grabbed the bag, leaving the store. Yes, I know it's not Halloween, but people do have costume parties.

I pulled out my phone and noticed a number. I had a feeling I knew who it was and called the number.


"I need to do a better job of hiding my number," I answered.

No, you need to understand I will find you.

I looked at my phone and arched an eyebrow. My dad is notorious for finding information. I put my phone back to my ear.

I did some checking, and the company that required Valeria doesn't exist; neither made this trip. Tell me the truth, Cameron.

I sighed. "I can't. All I can tell you is that Valeria is safe," I replied.

The other end went silent. As much as I wanted to tell my dad the truth, he would tell Vincent, and all hell would break loose. Valeria didn't need more stress added to her situation.

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