Chapter 3

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The first thing she notices is that she absolutely hated the feeling of stepping into that portal. It was like walking through a spider web that spun you around a thousand times before dropping you on the other side.

The second, was that she definately threw up her breakfast, and whined in pain. She felt like her insides were reaching out, trying to grab hold of something that was trying to meet her halfway. Like her ribs were opening up to hug someone else. When they finally reached their goal, and found what they were looking for, the pain stopped instantly, but Akiya couldn't help but puke again.

Jurgen stepped out behind her, and rubbed her back a bit, only to have to step back as someone else plowed into Akiya with enough force to tackle them both to the ground just in front of the swirling portal.

Akiya wanted to push them off and fight back, but the scent the passed under her nose instead made her wrap her arms around the person and pull her closer as they cried into her shoulder. Instead of arguing, or asking questions, or doing anything remotely intelegent, she spoke the first words that came to her mind.

"There's puke on your shirt."

Her attacker laughed, and leaned back revealing her own face looking back down at her with a huge smile, one she was sure had never been on her face before. Did she really look that pretty when she smiled?

"That's the least of my concerns." The woman answered, her hands moving to cup Akiya's face like she was sure she was dreaming, and that Akiya wasn't really there. "You're back. You're finally back." Tears dripped down her face, landing on Akiya's face.

Akiya's heart was pounding in her chest, like this was the single most important moment of her life, and her mind was too slow to catch up and realize it.

"Nokiya?" Akiya called, looking up at her twin sister like she was also trying to figure out if this was some kind of trick, her own hands moving to hold her shoulders like she wanted to pull her down for another hug.


"I missed you too." Akiya answered, tears slipping from her own eyes. "Even when I didn't remember you I missed you so much. The empty void is gone, like I've finally found what I've been missing, and you're here. I'm whole."

"You're back." Nokiya repeated, leaning her head down to touch her forehead to her sister's as they cried and held each other close.

"I don't have all my memories. I'm not the same as I was, but I know you. I know this is where I'm supposed to be. This is where I want to be." Akiya turned her head to look up at her brother who was still standing over her where she reached up holding her hand out to him. He smiled and took her hand where she squeezed it tightly, telling him that she was forever grateful to be back with her siblings again.

Sure enough as Nokiya leaned back bright blue eyes stared back at her when a little girl leaned over her head. She had the same brown hair as Jurgen, cascading over her shoulders in wavy hair. She was wearing a small purple dress but no shoes, and her expression was curious, like she knew, but also didn't know the girl below her.

"Mari, this is Akiya." Nokiya answered. "Your older sister."

Akiya blinked up at her curiously, and the two stared for a few seconds before Mari's face broke into a smile. "I have another big sister!" She announced.

"Hi." Akiya answered, as Nokiya moved off her allowing her to sit up as Mari climbed onto Akiya's lap, studying her sister intently.

"Hi!" Mari waved, going over every one of Akiya's features. "You look just like Noki!"

"It would seem so." Akiya agreed, smiling back up at Nokiya, and letting go of Jurgen's hand as he knelt down beside them. "I'm back." She announced.

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