Chapter 7

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The twins made their way back towards their bedroom many hours later. Nokiya had spent the rest of the day showing her around the castle and the grounds. Nokiya wanted to make sure her sister saw every inch of the palace, and by the gods did she succeed.

Nokiya's arm was looped around Akiya's as she all but dragged her along. Akiya could tell that her sister didn't ever want to let her go again, and would do everything in her power to make sure it never happened, but truthfully the contact didn't bother her. It felt normal, and right. Like it was meant to be there.

"I can't believe how quick the day went by. I feel like I was having breakfast in a diner just an hour ago." Akiya admitted.

"Well, you did much more than have breakfast in a diner today." Nokiya assured her. "You're back, and you're home."

"And I'm not going anywhere." Akiya smiled.

Nokiya returned the smile, nudging her sister's shoulder softly before releasing her arm and instead taking her hand as they walked. "Kira should be here by tomorrow morning. She said she had a plan that could turn the tides of battle in our favor."

"I can't wait to hear this plan of her's." Akiya glanced at the pictures and tapestries they passed as they walked back towards their room. Some showed pictures of battle and others were portraits of the family members in the palace. The tapestries had different crests on them and she assumed those to be the crests of the allies of their family.

"I dated her." Nokiya confessed.

Akiya blinked a bit. "You dated Kira?"

"For a short time." She nodded. "Vampires know who their mate's are. They know the person they're going to spend their lives with the second they meet them. Dragons don't have this power. Mom said we still get mates, but it's not the same as a vampire does."

"So she knew you two weren't meant to be?"

"Right. Kira's mate had yet to be born when we were dating, and she was having an internal battle with herself on whether or not she should tell me that. Eventually she did, because she doesn't like to hurt people, and we agreed to break it off. From my understanding, she got so upset that she may have hurt me, that she ran out into the woods where she found Luna in labor, giving birth to Alison, who turned out to be Kira's mate."

"That sounds like fate to me."

"No. Fate is having your mate born in your arms, on your birthday."

"You broke up with her on her birthday!?" Akiya raised an eyebrow.

"It was a mutual break up." Nokiya narrowed her eyes. "But yes. Alison was born on Kira's birthday, and Kira spent the next several years making sure that she grew up with a best friend. I guess there was a small issue with Kira's brother trying to kill her, so she hid Alison in the human world for a couple years-"

"Where have I heard that story before?" Akiya rolled her eyes.

"Kira's brother wanted to kidnap Alison, violate her, and force her to bare his children, because the hybrid child of a Pureblood Werewolf and Pureblood Vampire is supposed to bring about a time of incredible chaos."

"Wait... Alison is a Werewolf? Don't Werewolves and Vampires hate each other?"

"In the case of turned vampires and werewolves and even Bluebloods yes. But the Purebloods have always been allies." She explained with a shrug. "But the Pureblood Werewolves gave up their lives to prevent the prophecy from ever coming true, and low and behold, Alison is born. Now they have a child and everyone is worried its going to bring about Exodious' destruction."

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