Chapter 13

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The man basically exploded into a paste when the shadows crushed him into oblivion. He barely got off a whimper before Zoe obliterated him. The shadow then collected and reformed into the leather-jacket-cargo-pants-and-combat-boots-chains-hanging-out- of-every-belt-loop-and-pocket Zoe who looked at the Dragonlings curiously.

"It's been a while Nokiya."

"Make sure Kira's okay." Nokiya called, turning her attention to the door behind them.

Akiya moved closer to Zoe, watching the bodies on the floor to make sure none of them planned on getting back up as the Shade knelt down and faded back into the vampire's body.

Kira stood up, her eyes once again purple as she glanced around. "Where are Kira's things?"

Jurgen pointed to the table where Kira's bag had been stuffed under with her cloak tossed haphazardly over it. "Looks like they didn't care for her belongings as much as they did for her." Jurgen noted.

"Strange. I would have thought they would be looking for her valuables." Zoe noted. Akiya could only stare at the shade curiously, wondering how she could possess Kira so easily. She had vague memories of similar experiences with her. Sometimes her personality changed like she became a different person entirely, but to actually see the real face of that person made it all seem so different. There was another person, living inside her at all times?

"Can I help you?" Zoe questioned, raising one of Kira's eyebrows at the dragon.

"It's weird. You live inside her?" Akiya asked.

"I live in her soul." Zoe corrected, pulling Kira's cloak around her shoulders. "Since she's an immortal being, her soul regenerates small pieces, so I can consume small portions of her soul to live. Escentially I've replaced her soul by attaching to her's."

"That's bizarre." Akiya answered, still staring at the vampire.

Zoe rolled her eyes and turned away from Akiya, moving towards the doorway as she slung her bag back over her shoulder. "We should get out of here before more show up. I can't imagine they wouldn't have sent word somewhere else if they captured a Nightshade."

"Well who do you think would come running to get hold of her?" Jurgen asked.

They started back down the hallway and entered into the front courtyard where four hunters were standing at the side of a large orange dragon.

This dragon stood tall on it's back legs, with black armor covering it's torso, legs and right arm. The armor was spiked, and looked almost ancient like it shouldn't be able to hold together. His scales were a bright orange with his horns, claws, and spines being a bright yellow. His eyes burned with an almost amber color, and his horns looked like antlers, breaking off into several smaller segments. He towered over them, standing nearly nine feet tall, with a long slender tail of the same length swaying behind him.

"Vadanero." Nokiya muttered.

"I'll be taking Lady Kira back dragonlings." The dragon growled. "She will be returned to her castle, and left as far away from our conflicts as possible. You know that this entire war is between the Alvars and Olexious."

"Then why slaughter innocent villages?" Akiya snarled.

"I'm not here to debate with you. I'm taking Lady Kira."

"You'll have to pry her from our cold dead hands." Akiya roared, steam pouring from her mouth.

Vadanero materialized two massive greatswords in his hands. The swords were maybe as long as he was tall, and coverd in bright red symbols. The hilts of the blades were jet black, and looked like dead wood.

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