Chapter 15

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Akiya glanced over her shoulder at the white haired woman following behind them as they climbed up the side of the mountain. They were following a small path that led up the back side of the mountain as to avoid the main path and reduce the chance of being spotted.

This path though, was not well maintained. Parts of it had come loose, some parts were missing all together, and others were buried by rockslides. The group ended up climbing most of the way, with much of the rocks falling and coming apart as they did.

Artemis did her best to keep Mari from falling down the mountain, nearly slipping herself several times. However between her and the siblings, Mari was likely the safest out of all of them.

Akiya tested her footing, gripping the rocks tightly as she glanced over her shoulder at Camelia and Jurgen who were in the back. When she looked up at her sister and Kira who were easily making their way up, she huffed in almost annoyance before reaching up. Sure enough though, the rock beneath her foot came out from under her, and the weight ripped out the rock she was gripping in her free hand.

Before she could fall however, she slammed her other fist into the rock hard enough to punch through it and prevent herself from falling. Kira and Nokiya glanced down to make sure she was alright before Akiya growled.

"Why the hell don't we just fly up? We can stay close to the mountain so we don't get spotted!"

"Because they'll see us coming." Kira answered.

"Honestly I really don't care. One of us is going to fall off this mountain and possibly die."

"We all have wings, so I doubt any of us are going to die." Nokiya rolled her eyes. "Just go slow and you won't have to worry about falling."

"Everyone stop!" Camelia hissed. They looked back at her seeing her looking over her shoulder at the bottom of the mountain where a few black dragons had gathered at the start of the path. They were looking towards the forest like they were just sent to protect it but one was looking up at them rubbing the top of his head.

Akiya looked back up at Nokiya with a glare. "Now what?" She asked.

"Well now we have to fight them and make sure they don't tell Olexious that we're here."

"Finally! I can get off this stupid rock." Akiya growled before pushing off the mountainside and flipping over backwards before dive bombing straight towards them. She landed on the ground with an earth shattering bang as she landed directly on the shadow dragon that had spotted them climbing up the mountain. She then drew her sword and spun, lashing out her whip and cutting two of the other dragons in half with the last one having ducked under the blow.

Before he could counter however, he too was crushed into the ground with Camelia standing over him with her arms crossed over her chest. "You do realize you have to start from he begining now, right?" She asked.

Akiya looked up at the mountain and rolled her eyes as she sheathed Dragoon. "I'm going to fly up. I'm not climbing up a mountain when they didn't know what they were looking for in the first place. I don't care about honor or stealth. We can fight anyone up there." Akiya turned back towards the mountain and readied herself to jump up into her dragon form.

"Then I need you to carry me." Camelia told her.

Akiya paused glancing over her shoulder as she stood up. "You can't fly?"

Camelia rolled her eyes. "I'm a Water Dragon, so no. I don't have wings. I told you I was from Vaporus."

"I'm not from around here."


"I meant, I'm not from Exodious. When I was sent away my memories were erased. I'm slowly getting them back." Akiya explained. "I remembered Nokiya, but that's about it. I've been using her thoughts for a lot of stuff."

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