Chapter 14

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They left the city quickly, not wanting to risk any more conflict. The group walked less than a mile out of town where they came to a small clearing and Kira leaned against a tree at the edge of the clearing before her eyes returned to silver and she slid down the tree into a sitting position. She blinked heavily a few times before seeming to pass out once again.

"Apollo, can you use some healing magic on her to wake her up?" Nokiya asked.

"I can try. But my magic doesn't work as well on the undead." Apollo answered with a shrug as he stepped over to the vampire and knelt down, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"So... I don't really feel like we accomplished much of anything." Akiya noted.

"We didn't die." Jurgen offered.

"Dying is bad." Mari agreed.

"I second that." Akiya sighed deeply. "But we basically lost most of the day while we wait for Kira to recover. We're not exactly making good time are we?"

"We could just fly straight to the mountain?" Jurgen asked.

Nokiya scoffed. "That was Vadanero. One of Olexious's sons."


"How did he know we were going to be in Drengskapr?" Nokiya asked.

"He could just have patrols in the nearby cities?"

"He shouldn't have any troops this far into Alvar lands." Nokiya growled. "The front lines are at Vaporous, which is miles away."

"So they know we're trying to get to the temple." Artemis crossed her arms over her chest. "How could that be?"

"A spy in the castle?" Apollo questioned.

"No. He must know exactly what the artifact is. So he knows we want it." Nokiya touched her hand to her chin in thought. "It's troubling."

"Of course it is. It's like our enemy is one step ahead of us and there's nothing we can do about it." Akiya growled.

Kira sat up quickly, but not before punching Apollo in the jaw hard enough to throw him onto his back.

"OW! WHAT THE FUCK!" The Sword shouted, holding his face.

"Sorry!" Kira answered, moving to make sure he was alright. "The last thing I remember I was still in the Guild!"

"He said a bad word." Mari noted.

"Don't say it till you're older." Jurgen told her.

"Ow!" Apollo whined again.

"How are you feeling princess?" Akiya asked with a laugh.

"I mean, I feel pretty good." Kira answered, helping Apollo to his feet nervously. "I'm so sorry Apollo, I didn't know it was you."

Apollo tested his jaw with a nervous smile. "I'm okay."

"Then we should get moving. We have a lot of time to make up and we lost almost half a day rescuing you." Akiya noted. "But we should try and be more vigilant."

"We should stay off the roads, make sure that no one ambushes us on the way there." Nokiya agreed.

"Right." Akiya smiled.

Kira nodded and pointed. "Let's get moving then. If I get tired Zoe can just take control for me."

"I wish I had someone who could walk for me." Mari muttered as she climbed on Artemis's back and clung to her like a baby koala.

"Is that not what she's doing?" Jurgen asked as they followed after Kira who was leading them into the forest.

"I mean like Zoe does for Kira. Artemis is just carrying me, but Zoe can use Kira's legs to carry her."

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